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Monday, June 22, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 101 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 101 Part 1

After the movie, Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng were planning to eat dinner before going back to base. As they walked out of the theatre, Lu Sicheng’s cell phone started vibrating. Lu Sicheng answered the phone and Tong Yao could hear Little Fatty’s loud voice at the other end of the phone-- --

[Hello? Cheng Ge? Did you two go shopping all the way to Las Vegas to get married? Can you come back now? The B team has gone down to the first floor this afternoon. They’re going to have a training match with Obsidian tonight at 8. Ming god wants you to come back to watch over those kids! ! !]

Lu Sicheng listened with the phone next to his ear, then replied simply: “Wait.” He looked down and glanced at Tong Yao. Tong Yao shrugged and gestured: then we just go back, what else can we do?

ZGDX’s LoL B team was formed from kids picked from various youth training camps. Their ages ranged between 15 and 19. Usually, they would sit at the second floor of the base and play training matches against teams from the junior league or city leagues…...The B team players were really only kids and considered ZGDX’s reserve-- --Among these kids…...there were certainly some more rebellious ones like any normal school and wouldn’t listen to anyone when they acted up. So it was harder to manage than the regular players…...Ming god, Little Fatty, and Old Cat had all moved up from the B Team. Since Ming god was much more senior than the others and was well respected, those kids would listen to him. The only other person who could keep those kids in line was A team’s captain, Lu Sicheng. The reason was simple, he was a strong player and was very strict.

That was the reason why Xiao Rui was in a hurry to get Lu Sicheng back to base to keep those kids reined in

“......” Obviously Lu Sicheng wasn’t too interested in going back to watch over a bunch of monkeys, he covered the phone and said to Tong Yao: “Actually, it won’t matter if I don’t go back. Ming god can keep those little monkeys in check as well.”

[Go to hell, Captain, I can hear it! You think it’s like in those TV dramas when you cover the phone I can’t hear what you say on the other end!]

Lu Sicheng: “......”

Tong Yao: “......”

Lu Sicheng had no choice but to hang up the phone and drove back to base with Tong Yao. When they were in the car, Tong Yao chuckled as she buckled in: “I feel like dating a big movie star. We have to act secretively to avoid fans and get called back without even eating dinner.”

“Not happy about it?”

“No.” Tong Yao shook her hands: “Next time. There’s other times.”

When Lu Sicheng heard “next time” and “there’s other times,” his eyes brightened up and he sat up a little straighter. As if inadvertently, he glanced over the lips of the person next to him. “En.” He answered in a low voice and drove the car out of the parking lot.


When they were back at base, Tong Yao saw Little Fatty, Old K, and Old Cat crowded on the couch. Old K and Old Cat each had a cat in arm, Little Fatty was looking at them enviously……

The B team players were all on the first floor, looking rather excited to be there. They each sat in an A team player’s seat who played the same position as them and were happily conversing. Only Tong Yao’s seat was empty; since Lu Yue had fought to get his own seat earlier, he already had his own seat on the first floor.

The person sitting on Lu Sicheng’s seat was someone with a game id called Dubhe. He was only 15 years old, not even old enough to play in league competitions or international tournaments. Despite that, Tong Yao had heard her teammates talk about him: Though young, he already showed a lot of potential and was the B team’s important carry. When he played, he was aggressive and flexible with his positioning. One could faintly see Lu Sicheng’s playstyle from an earlier time.

Some people called Dubhe “Little Chessman” and they meant it as a compliment. But Tong Yao felt that Dubhe probably didn’t appreciate the nickname-- --It was just like back when Lu Sicheng wasn’t satisfied with being resigned to being Pope’s “shadow.”

“Little Dubhe, which champion are you planning to take tonight?”

Tong Yao went to her seat to put down her bag and looked up to greet the kid sitting on Lu Sicheng’s seat-- --Dubhe was holding a cup in his hand drinking water. Tong Yao’s voice might have startled him as his hand shook and water splashed onto the floor, his cup almost fell to the ground……

It was Tong Yao who acted swiftly and caught the cup midair.

At the time, B team’s support Alkaid called out: “We’re ready.” Dubhe rather uncomfortably stood up from the seat and quickly took a look at Tong Yao, then whispered: “Tong Yao Jie, pick the champion for me?”

Tong Yao waved her hand, telling him to hurry back. Dubhe turned around with his wet clothes and hurried off…...

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Thank you for the chapter ๐Ÿ˜

  2. Lol another suitor?? ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Thanks for the update

  3. She's collecting them again lol. Well this kid is too young but he does seem like a fan.

  4. Thank you for the chapter๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  5. Lu Sicheng was totally thinking of next time in terms of kissing. He's so adorably obvious

  6. When I was reading the raw I really liked Dubhe (Greedy Wolf) character. He is definitely a Main Character. Please I hope the Author write a sequel novel with him as the MC or ML
