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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 80 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 80 Part 1

Lin Chuyan’s stream was scheduled from 8 to 10 at night. On the second day of his stream, Xiang Nuan had a class meeting that night. She didn’t get to go back to her dorm until almost 9 pm. She hurriedly logged on Pea TV to watch the stream.

She was surprised when she logged on. How could his popularity soar so fast? Xiang Nuan found it to be unbelievable!

It was only the second day of Lin Chuyan’s stream and his viewership had almost caught up with Hu Ge’s. Hu Ge was one of the most popular stream hosts playing Kings of Glory. Xiang Nuan even suspected that the website had done something to boost Lin Chuyan’s popularity since the site had invested a lot in him. She clicked open the list of followers of the stream.

If there were artificial followers, there would be many zombie fans on the list. Xiang Nuan checked carefully and found few zombie fans.

His popularity was quite real.

Xiang Nuan had thought about what would happen when Lin Chuyan became popular. But she had never imagined that he would be popular this fast.

Well, he was Lin Chuyan, always flashy wherever he went. He was destined to be unusual.

After the first match, Lin Chuyan called Xiang Nuan to ask whether she had gone back to her dorm.

They had planned in advance to play ranked matches that night. But there was a little unexpected development-- --Chen Yinghu was there also.

Before Xiang Nuan had gone back to her dorm, Chen Yinghu had been playing duos with Lin Chuyan. Even though he had heard that Xiang Nuan was going to play ranked with Lin Chuyan, he hadn’t shown any desire to leave and just waited there for the three of them to play together.

Lin Chuyan couldn’t ask him to leave and just had to accept it.

Xiang Nuan logged on the game on her cell phone while using her computer to watch the stream. When she formed a team with Lin Chuyan and joined the voice chat with Lin Chuyan and Chen Yinghu, the bullet comments all became “how are you, sister-in-law”. She was amused.

Other than “how are you, sister-in-law”, there were also comments like “how are you, rival in love, your boyfriend is mine.” Xiang Nuan simply ignored these comments; they couldn’t really take Lin Chuyan away from her anyway.

Lin Chuyan asked: “What’s your plan tomorrow?”

Chen Yinghu: “I’m thinking of going to Laofeng Street tomorrow.”

Lin Chuyan: “I’m not asking you.”

The bullet comments went “hahaha.” Chen Yinghu was also streaming at the same time. All of his fans expressed sympathy towards Hu Ge.

In the past, when fans felt sorry for him not having a girlfriend, Chen Yinghu could secretly gloat that he actually had a girlfriend. But now, when the fans felt sorry for him, he felt sorry for himself as well.

But it was too boring to play by himself. Though Chen Yinghu was hurting inside, he still stayed to form a team with the couple.

Lin Chuyan asked again what Xiang Nuan’s plan was for tomorrow. After they had finished watching the movie and having dinner in the afternoon, their date for the day had to end and he didn’t have the chance to ask her about tomorrow.

Xiang Nuan answered: “I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

“Let’s not study tomorrow. Let’s go see the cherry blossoms. We’ve already missed the peach blossoms, can’t miss the cherry blossoms.”


As Xiang Nuan replied, she took a look at the bullet comments and found a lot of “ohohoh.”

She was a bit embarrassed. These fans were too easily getting excited. Her conversation with Lin Chuyan was quite normal, she thought.

The three of them got into a match as they were talking. They each chose a champion. Xiang Nuan originally wanted to play top, but top was already taken by another player. Support was the only one left for her to choose. To be on the safe side, she chose Zhang Fei as her champion, which she was better at.

Translated by Team DHH at

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