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Saturday, May 23, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 95 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 95 Part 3

At the 24th minute, ZGDX pushed into the enemy base. Facing Lu Sicheng who had 10 kills under his belt with 0 deaths and 2 assists, Doomsday didn’t have any intention of dragging the match further. They let ZGDX destroy their nexus and prepared to play the next match.

Tong Yao took off her headphones, her palms were all sweaty.

She heard the commentators were talking-- --

[To be fair, this Lulu is still useful.]

[And, it seems Lulu is very useful……]

[And 4 protect 1 is still a workable strategy.]

[The key is whether the team is ZGDX or not?]

[Hahahahaha, so we all mistakenly blamed Ai Jia. Lulu is really a useful champion. Right-- --There’s no rule that we have to be superstitious about whether a champion is outdated or not, right? The lineup is more important than that.]

Tong Yao stood up and a faint smile was showing up on her face.

After a ten minute break, the second match started.

The same 6 mid champions were banned again. ZGDX kept their 4 protect 1 lineup and Tong Yao still took Lulu-- --Tong Yao was kind of surprised at the start.

She couldn’t believe why Doomsday Orcs would still let them play 4 protect 1. It wasn’t until the game started that she realized that the other team also had brought their brains with them this time.

The three champions that Doomsday Orcs took in this match: Nidalee, Lucian, and Alistar, went to bot around three minutes into the game and successfully took down Lu Sicheng and Little Fatty. They went to bot again nine minutes into the game and ganked Lu Sicheng. Then at the 15th minute, they came by a third time and took their top with them-- --

15 minutes into the game, Lu Sicheng was at 0 kills, 3 deaths, 0 assists. His farm was behind the enemy by more than 20 minutes. The big screen showed that Lu Sicheng’s economy was behind Doomsday’s AD by about 1000 gold-- --

1000 gold is almost the cost of half of a large item. If it was in a normal ranked game, Lu Sicheng would go AFK by now.

He was in a very bad position.

In this situation, Tong Yao, with a champion that was unable to deal explosive damage, was showing the same fatigue that Ai Jia had in the previous match.  She could only quietly farm and tried to develop more in order to get more items with more attacking power and cover some of the damage Lu Sicheng lacked. But since the team had decided to play 4 protect 1, the effect of her actions was minimal-- --

At that moment, ZGDX was behind in kills at 3 to 9. For Lu Sicheng, he was facing an even more serious upwards battle than the team!

Tong Yao was a little anxious seeing Lu Sicheng being picked on in such a frenzy. She had never seen him fall behind this much. Tong Yao began to make some mistakes with her movements and missed several minions under the turret.

“Take it easy.” Lu Sicheng’s calm voice came into Tong Yao’s earphones: “We can still do it. Give me some time to develop.”

“You’re behind the other AD by half a large item.”

“If I don’t confront him directly, he won’t be able to do anything to me even if he gets the best 6 items.” Lu Sicheng said flatly: “You guys try to drag the game on, can’t you do it?”

“......I’m not sure.” Tong Yao was a little hesitant. “I’ll try my best. Little Fatty, Old K, let’s do it.”

Those who were watching the game didn’t know what Lu Sicheng had said in the voice channel. They all thought that Lu Sicheng was going to lose the match. Yet they found out that ZGDX had made a different choice from YQCB when facing the same situation-- --

YQCB chose to force a team fight, facing the enemy directly.

ZGDX, however, didn’t do that. Tong Yao, after getting some items that could cause damage, took her team’s support and jungler and roamed the jungle. They encountered the enemy’s bot, support and jungler near the Dragon’s Arena and engaged in a small scale team fight!

Old K had Kindred as his champion and Little Fatty’s Bard already had his ultimate. This team fight lasted for quite a long time. They even struggled to take down two of Doomsday’s players- ---At the same time, while Tong Yao and her teammates were fighting, Lu Sicheng was farming in a frenzy at top and mid lanes to make up for lost time.

The small scale team fights occurred several more times. Lu Sicheng was killed two more times during this period.

When the match reached the 32nd minute mark, Lu Sicheng, who’s stats were now 0/5/0, killed Doomsday’s jungler while farming at the bot-- --

The audience was in shock.

Everyone had a confused look on their face. They started to pay attention to Lu Sicheng who had been mostly hiding from the beginning up till now. The audience then noticed that he had pretty much gathered enough items by now and his farm…...He had 30 some more than the other side, coming back from a 30 to 40 deficit!

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Iep they are going to win.. even though I don't understand what they are playing their moves show us that . Thanks for the update

  2. Good on Tong Yao to show people that it wasn't Ai Jia's fault by using the same methods!! :')

  3. I love how ZGDX team members keep cool heads and still follow through with their strategy even when they are at a disadvantage.

  4. I know nothing of the mechanics of this game, but even I can understand that the 4 protect 1 strategy works because of the “1” being protected. LSC really will achieve his goal of causing Pope to be sleepless for a couple days. 😈😂
