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Friday, May 22, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 95 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 95 Part 2

ZGDX’s players walked up to the stage still engaged in a lively conversation. Tong Yao sat down next to Lu Sicheng, took a deep breath, and put on the headphones-- --With the headphones on, she was cut off from the noise coming from the audience. She put her mind into the ban & pick phase of the first match against the team Doomsday Orcs.

When they finished banning, Twisted Fate, Syndra, Viktor, LeBlanc, Vladimir, and Ryze had been banned. Tong Yao took a look at the list and couldn’t muffle her chuckles. It also stirred up some commotion in their voice chat-- --

Little Fatty: “Wow, all six are mid champions. They didn’t let LeBlanc, Syndra, or Twisted Fate get by. The other team is prepared to give you a hard time, little sister.”

Ming god: “We also banned 3 strong mid champions ourselves. Now there aren’t many good mid champions left. Doomsday Orcs’s mid doesn’t have a deep champion pool and we’ll see who’ll suffer.”

Tong Yao took a glance at the opposite team and as expected, she saw their mid had already frowned and was biting his fingers.

Tong Yao took her eyes away: “The bullet comments on the stream right now must be bustling right now.”

Lu Sicheng: “You care about that?”

Tong Yao: “I do.”

Lu Sicheng: “It’ll explode after you finish choosing your champion.”

Tong Yao: “......”

As they were talking, the other team took some time deliberating before picking Lissandra, then Karma-- --Lissandra could be used at top or mid. Karma could be a support and was a good choice for mid as well. Doomsday Orcs took away two popular champions for mid, though it wasn’t clear how they were going to use those two champions, their intention to block Tong Yao was obvious……

Evidently, Doomsday Orcs had given some thought and played a little trick in the ban & pick phase…...But Tong Yao and her teammates hadn’t planned to pick regular mid champions in the first place. When it was ZGDX’s turn to pick, Old Cat immediately picked Lulu for Tong Yao-- --

Tong Yao and her teammates couldn’t hear the reaction from the audience. If they had taken off their earphones right then, they would find the roar from the audience was enough to blow the roof off-- --

Commentator A: [Lulu again! My goodness, what’s happening to all the teams today!]

Commentator B: [Hahahaha, probably Smiling was influenced by that YQCB match-- --You wanted to take Lulu? You couldn’t make it work? Alright, I’ll take Lulu too and teach you how to play Lulu!]

Commentator A: [It doesn’t make sense.. Smiling can’t play this kind of champion better than Ai Jia. If she really thinks this way, then she’s really inflated herself.]

Commentator B: [I’m just saying! Look, the lineup now, Old Cat took Trundle. Hrm, ZGDX is going to play 4 protect 1! !]

Commentator A: [What’s wrong with 4 protect 1?]

Commentator B: [Just now, YQCB used 4 protect 1 to protect Pope but failed. What do you say about that? That’s Pope, he’s as good as Cheng Ge.]

Commentator A: [......You can eat whatever you wish but you better watch your words. Hehe, don’t say I didn’t remind you not to talk nonsense. Wait till after the game, you can go take a look at your Weibo account then you’ll know what it’s all about.]

Commentator B: [...............]

Commentato B imagined how he would be dissed by both ZGDX and YQCB fans on his Weibo account and hurriedly changed the topic-- --From their conversation, it was obvious that these two commentators didn’t really understand why Tong Yao wanted to take Lulu and ZGDX wanted to play 4 protect 1.

Then the match officially started.

Doomsday Orcs’ bot wasn’t even a close match for Lu Sicheng and Little Fatty-- --Lu Sicheng’s Sivir worked with Little Fatty’s Bard to pressure the enemy Kalista from the very beginning. With low health, Kalista had to back away and was unable to even farm minions, missing 4 or 5 of them in the first wave.

With such a start, Lu Sicheng believed the enemy’s bot was pretty much over.

Lu Sicheng was the first one to reach level two. Tong Yao pinged that the enemy’s junger had shown himself in mid lane. Lu Sicheng cleared the minions immediately then pushed the other team’s support and AD back to their own turret. They could only farm under the turret and were being harassed from time to time, messing up their ability to farm.

Lu Sicheng and Little Fatty had utterly neutered the enemy bot. Within the first ten minutes, Old K carried out the 4 protect 1 strategy every second he could. He would pass by bot lane from time to time, causing Doomsday Orcs’ AD to only farm a little over 40 minions in those minutes. Doomsday’s AD and support died twice, with Lu Sicheng and Old K each getting two kills each……

In the mid game, Doomsday’s top, playing Ekko, wanted to hit Lu Sicheng from behind.  But whenever he got to hit Lu Sicheng, the very next second Lulu would cast her ultimate on Lu Sicheng’s Sivir, followed by all sorts of protective abilities-- --

Li Sicheng was well developed and well protected.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. I don't understand the game, but even I get excited by what was written. Hehehe. Good job, Team DHH!! :D

    1. Ikr, me too.. But I enjoy reading it thoughπŸ˜…

  2. Oh Cheng Ge bring protected 😊 That's my girl πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ Can't understand a single thing of the game still I'm thrilled .. thanks for the chapter

  3. There they go πŸ’ͺ


  4. Thanks for the translation. We appreciate it!

  5. She protected his man as if she wants to say, "this man is mine!" 😁
