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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 89 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 89 Part 2

Tong Yao had heard that playing League of Legends, more than any other game, together was the most likely thing to cause a breakup. In order to not lose her boyfriend, she changed her position preference back to mid when then queued up for another match.

When they were waiting to get on a match, Tong Yao leaned back in her chair to play with her cell phone. A short time later, Lu Sicheng’s cell phone lit up.

[rabbit holds tight of carrots: Won’t even let me have a siege minion, I can’t feel any warmth from a boyfriend.]

[fhdjwhdb2333: If it was anyone else playing support that way, I would have gone back to the fountain within 5 minutes and gone AFK there.]

[fhdjwhdb2333: If you smash my car now, I would be concerned whether you’ve hurt your hand or not-- --But this is about the siege minion, it’s a matter of principle.]

[rabbit holds tight of carrots: Then next match I’ll play Ezreal, give me the red buff.]

[fhdjwhdb2333: First warning.]

[fhdjwhdb2333: Don’t go overstepping the line, you’ll soon lose your boyfriend.]

[rabbit holds tight of carrots: ………………………..Alright, alright, alright, my fault.]

[fhdjwhdb2333: No, it’s only that you’re having a self-awareness problem. God at Thresh, that’s my fault.]

[rabbit holds tight of carrots: What do you mean?]

[fhdjwhdb2333: Love makes a man blind.]

Tong Yao: “......”

Tong Yao couldn’t believe how flirty Lu Sichung could be. Compared to the seriousness he exhibited before, Tong Yao was a little concerned that her captain might have been pent-up for too long-- --

Behind them, Lu Yue noticed that Lu Sicheng and Tong Yao had stopped talking after one match. Lu Yue curiously turned to take a glance and found both of them looking down at their cell phones on their seats. Lu Yue raised his eyebrow and asked: “What happened? You two stopped being friends?”

Tong Yao confusedly looked up: “What?”

Lu Sicheng didn’t even look up: “Be quiet, I’m busy.”

Lu Yue: “What are you busy with?”

Lu Sicheng: “I’m taming my wife.”

Tong Yao’s hand shook and the phone dropped on her lap. Lu Yue had a change of expression on his face: “You’re playing porn games?”

Tong Yao: “Pervert?”

Lu Yue: “Pervert!”


Tong Yao played duo with Lu Sicheng for 4 matches that night. She lost all four matches.

Tong Yao thought that the power of love was more powerful than she had imagined. Now she finally realized why her teacher in high school warned them against having a relationship too early. It not only interfered with their ability to study, but would also make a Challenger fall to Diamond one……

At midnight, Tong Yao finally had enough and logged off. She turned off her computer and went upstairs to get ready for bed. She checked the cat nest and found the two cats were huddling together inside. Dabing was sound asleep with Xiao Cong nestled against Dabing, also sleeping comfortably.

They looked very cute together.

Tong Yao took out her cell phone to take a picture of the two cats to send to Lu Sicheng. Then she turned to go into the bathroom…...Twenty minutes later, Tong Yao was sitting on the bed to put on body lotion and noticed from the corner of her eye that there was a reply from Lu Sicheng on her phone-- --

[fhdjwhdb2333: Cats have a better life than me.]

Tong Yao stopped what she was doing and couldn’t help herself from smiling, her eyes turning into crescents. She took up the cell phone to ask Lu Sicheng what was wrong with him now.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. He wants to be cuddled girl.. and I want to read about it 😁😁😁

  2. Hahaha lu sicheng expressing all his pent up flirtiness

  3. lu sicheng is a whipped man ans we love to see it. honestly feeling that he was that way if not day one then def day five. everytime his feeljng grew he had to repress it now the door is open. so cute

  4. Soon she'll know how "pent-up" he was hehehe

    1. Oh my gosh!!! Laughed out loud at your comment... 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. I’m actually shocked to see how flirty LSC actually is.

  6. After rereading for the nth time do I now just realized that within 24 hours of them being officially a couple, LSC already sees her as his wife. "Pent-up" would then be an understatement 🤭🤭🤭🤭

    1. Gosh, i cant with this kind of comment, ahahaha... that old man and his "pent-up"...😂😂 sometimes im more excited reading the comment section than actual chapter itself
