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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 73 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 73 Part 1

Xiang Nuan curved up her lips and said: “What are you talking about? How could I take it seriously.”

Chen Yinghu breathed out a sigh of relief.

Xiang Nuan then became very quiet as she ate her food. After a while, she suddenly asked Chen Yinghu: “If we’re going to form a team, we still need one more player. Who do you think can join us? Will Shen Xuezhang do?”

Chen Yinghu: ……

So she really did take it seriously!

Chen Yinghu quietly glanced at Lin Chuyan and found Lin Chuyan was staring at him, looking quite unfriendly.

Chen Yinghu was so shaken by the stare that he even dropped the crab leg in his hand back onto the plate.

“I’m doing fine with the stream.” Chen Yinghu said in a low voice: “Besides, I have to earn money to pay back my debt.”

“Oh.” Xiang Nuan looked like she was a little disappointed.

Lin Chuyan reminded her: “You have to quit school if you go play professionally.”

Xiang Nuan looked at him as if he was saying something strange: “I’m not saying that I want to do it. What are you saying.”

“The one who wants to do it is a pig.”

“You’re a pig! Lin Chuyan, is this the way to treat your girlfriend?”

Lin Chuyan pinched his forehead, not sure what to say.

Chen Yinghu crushed the crab leg with his teeth, making a loud cracking noise.

Xiang Nuan and Lin Chuyan were surprised to hear the noise and turned to look at Chen Yinghu. They saw a mean look on Chen Yinghu’s face.

“I’m warning you two.” Chen Yinghu said: “A single dog bites.”

-- --

That night, Lin Chuyan took Xiang Nuan back to her dorm. Lin Chuyan handed her backpack back, but didn’t really want to say goodnight to her yet.

Xiang Nuan looked up at him into his bright eyes. Her heartbeat suddenly quickened.

Lin Chuyan: “You said that you’d bought a gift for me.”

Xiang Nuan remembered the watch she had bought for him. She searched in her backpack and found the elegantly wrapped box. “Here.” She had wanted to give it to him earlier but had carelessly forgotten about it.

Lin Chuyan took the box and opened it. It looked like he was quite happy with it. Suddenly, his arm circled around Xiang Nuan’s shoulder and he brought her closer to him. All Xiang Nuan noticed was his scent, fresh and clean. Before she realized what was going on, she felt a warm and soft touch on her forehead.

“Thanks.” Lin Chuyan released her and said in a low voice.

Xiang Nuan’s heart thumped. She was too nervous to know what to say. She looked down on the ground to avoid eye contact, then turned around…...and ran off.

She dashed into the dorm, disappearing in no time.

Lin Chuyan lowered his head, touched his lips, and smiled without even realizing it.

After Lin Chuyan went back to his own dorm, he played a few games with Xiang Nuan and Hu Ge. Unusually, Xiang Nuan didn’t turn on her mic.

She also played the game quite absent-mindedly, made quite a few stupid mistakes.

Lin Chuyan sent a message to her: What are you thinking of?

Xiang Nuan: Nothing.

Lin Chuyan: Thinking about me?

Xiang Nuan: No. = =

Xiang Nuan: I’m just thinking that Hu Ge’s idea isn’t totally impossible. What do you think?

Lin Chuyan sent a GIF with a knife inserted into a heart. Xiang Nuan didn’t get what he meant.

Translated by Team DHH at