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Monday, February 17, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 78 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 78 Part 3

After the first team fight, Qing Dynasty, facing three well developed enemy lanes, had realized that their rhythm for the match was even worse than the first one. They were already defeated psychologically at that point.

As Qing Dynasty lost the will to fight, ZGDX continued the match like rolling a snowball. They pushed the turret at mid, then the turret at bot. Their ADC and support were free to invade the jungle, then went up top-- --

Very quickly, the match tilted more and more in favor of ZGDX……

The second match finished soon after the 30 minute mark.

Fifty seconds before the end of the match as ZGDX was pushing the enemy base, Tong Yao saw in the chat: [dqwl, back out of the game].

When Tong Yao took off her earphones after the match, she could still hear the commotion from the audience, discussing whether Xu Tailun had backed out of the game early or because he had simply lost internet connection.

Tong Yao was the MVP of the second match.

This was followed by a wave of laughter from the audience when the MVP was announced on the big screen-- --Everyone agreed that the best performing player for the second match was actually Lu Sicheng. The reason for giving Tong Yao the honor was probably because everyone had a lot of questions to ask her about the game.

Tong Yao passed her own backpack to Little Fatty and went to the interview area. She saw not only a mass of fans but also media reporters waiting for her. The host passed the microphone to her.

The host made the initial introduction as usual and Tong Yao greeted everyone as usual.

Then the host brought up what they really wanted to know-- --

The host: [Are you angry at being treated in such a senseless way in today’s matches?]

Tong Yao: “I was in the beginning, but I got over it later on. We won, as long as we won then it’s alright. It doesn’t matter who’s the carry for the game. A strong team should have everyone taking turns at being the carry. It’s quite nice that every match there's a player in a different position to be the carry.”

The host: [Do you have anything you want to say about today’s game?]

Tong Yao: “......”

Sure. She had a lot she wanted to say.

A lot of curses like “you suck” and “damn you” that she wanted to say, but she didn’t know whether she should……

Tong Yao looked at the host, the sincere look on the host’s face reminded her that the host probably wouldn’t accept a curse as an answer. Tong Yao had no other choice but to give a cute smile and said: “Cheng Ge’s Ashe is very powerful, remember to ban it in the future.”

The audience burst into laughter. Lu Sicheng was holding the backpack with ‘smiling’ on it not too far away while bent over at their mid’s seat picking up all the equipment. He raised his head in surprise to glance over at the interview area.

Obviously, Lu Sicheng didn’t expect her to give an answer like that. But no one else saw anything wrong with the answer-- --Everyone knew that the mid of ZGDX was famous for “Chessman bragging.”

The host: [Smiling, do you feel it’s effective for your opponent to use such an extreme strategy against you? It was effective once before?]

Tong Yao grinned and said in a confident tone of voice: “I don’t think it’s effective to focus on me when the opposing team isn’t equal or superior than our team in the other two lanes. My teammates aren’t to be messed with-- --ZGDX is a team with three core players, each lane has the confidence to take over the game.”

The host: [Do you agree with the other team’s attitude during today’s match?]

Tong Yao: “All of your questions today are really scary.”

The host: [Hahahahahahahahah!]

Tong Yao: “I know what he’s thinking. But I think that when you’re the core player on a team, he has to act responsibly during a match to his teammates as well as his own team. That’s the most basic attitude.”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. A good slap in someone's~ face. Go, Tong Yao!!
    Thanks for the chap~

  2. Tong Yao passed her bag to Little Fatty, but Lu Sicheng's the one keeping her stuff. Boyfriend material, I say.

    1. Well can't say much hahaha. Probably, Little Fatty also pass that responsibility to Lu SiCheng after all, LF is the captain of the ship😂

  3. Nice one Smiling!! And thanks for the update!!

  4. She passed this one with flying colours
