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Saturday, February 15, 2020

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 78 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 78 Part 2

Lu Sicheng asked in a deep voice: “What happened to you?”

Tong Yao blinked: “......What do you mean?”

“Go look in a mirror. You’ll see a face that’s white as a ghost.”

“......” Tong Yao pulled her arm from Lu Sicheng’s hand and said: “I’m fine.”

All the players moved to their seats, readying for the next match. Xu Tailun’s hand was wrapped in bandages-- --The white gauze around his hand was rather conspicuous. Tong Yao could clearly hear the commotion among the Qing Dynasty fans, to be more exact, Xu Tailun’s fans. The commentators were also discussing how Long Ge could hurt himself during a ten minute break……

Xu Tailun, moving slowly, was the last one from his team to take his seat. As if he had sensed an unfriendly gaze, he slightly turned his head to the side and met the eyes of ZGDX’s expressionless mid. He smiled at her.

Tong Yao rolled her eyes and turned her head away in disgust

When she turned her head, she met another expressionless face right next to her.

Lu Sicheng: “Nothing’s going on? Why are you looking at their jungler?”

Tong Yao: “......”

“Play the match first. Explain after we go back. Don’t enter the base if you can’t give a clear explanation.” Lu Sicheng put on his headphones as he spoke.

Tong Yao: “...............................”

According to Lu Sicheng’s arrangement, ZGDX would play 4 protect 1 for the second match. All four players would take more defensive champions to make sure that their ADC could survive as long as possible during team fights and deliver all the damage-- --This kind of strategy emphasized on the coordination and trust between each teammate. The personal skill of the ADC as well as his ability to perform under pressure were also crucial to the success of this strategy. Afterall, win or loss all depended on him.

It was a popular strategy in the past. But the current meta-game had moved away from this strategy. In recent years, few professional teams could be seen relying on it.

Half way through the ban & pick phase for Tong Yao’s team, the commentators had already figured out the signs-- --

Commentator A: [Smiling chose Lulu, Maokai for Old Cat, Old K’s going to choose-- --Nidalee! Wow, it looks like ZGDX is really going to play 4 protect one this match.]

Commentator B: [But is it a good idea for the current meta?]

Commentator A: [It’s the players who play the game, not the strategy-- --To be honest, I really like to watch a team like ZGDX at competitions. They not only win often, but are willing to try everything, every champion. It makes watching much more interesting!]

Commentator B: [Hahahahahahahahaha, true. Since the other team is focusing on their mid, mid takes Lulu, who can farm at range, as well as shield, silence, and haste, and her ultimate grants bonus health-- --How would you kill such a champion? I ask you how? If the Qing Dynasty still insists on getting mid lane, then bot will have an easy time. Qing Dynasty has to make a tough decision here!]

The match began, Xu Tailun, as expected, was still trying to harass mid. But this time, Tong Yao had Lulu who was agile and her abilities were both useful defensively and offensively. Xu Tailun tried twice to catch Tong Yao but failed. He had no choice but to stay in the jungle and farm-- --

It didn’t look like he was interested in ZGDX’s bot either.

Xu Tailun had already wasted time trying to develop his champion when he tried to catch Tong Yao. Old K didn’t give him the chance to try and make up for it and had stolen what resources from Xu Tailun’s jungle he could while Xu Tailun was busy visiting mid. By the seventh minute of the game, Old K was already an entire level above Xu Tailun!

That wasn’t the worst part about Qing Dynasty’s situation.

The worst part for Xu Tailun was that after he had farmed the monsters in his own jungle, there was little left for him to do. His level would lag further and further from Old K-- --

In addition, Xu Tailun’s teammates at bot were having a difficult time without help from their jungler.

Around the fifteen minute mark, the first team fight occurred. Since ZGDX was playing 4 protect 1, both top and mid didn’t press the enemy too aggressively. Both sides were fairly even-- --But it was a different story at bot, Lu Sicheng had farmed roughly 40 more minions than the enemy. They were also behind Lu Sicheng in items as well. The two teams weren’t on the same level when they clashed!

Translated by Team DHH at