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Friday, April 26, 2019

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 54 Part 6

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 54 Part 6

It was already 9:30 at night when they were back at base. They were all very tired from playing three matches today, especially from the scare
in the second match. Tong Yao suggested they order delivery to everyone’s agreement.
She pulled out her cell phone to place the order and discovered that the Huawei jungler
had already sent her several messages on WeChat-- --
[Kun: Back at base?] [Kun: I’m back too.] [Kun: Have dinner yet?] [Kun: You played good today. You’re good.] [Kun: Rarely see a girl play such a good game :)] [Kun: Are you eating dinner now? [Kun: Are you tired? Want to go out and have some fun?] [Kun: Ignoring me QWQ] Tong Yao: “......” …...What was going on? Tong Yao put down her phone. Lu Sicheng, sat not too far away, looked up at her: “Aren’t you ordering?” “I’m going to. But before that, I have something I don’t know whether I should mention
or not.” “Don’t mention it.” “I feel like that Huawei jungler is trying to hit on me.” “......” Lu Sicheng stopped typing on his cell phone and looked up at Tong Yao with an expression
as if to say “did you take your medicine today.” Seeing there was no reaction from Tong Yao
after a while, he took her phone off her hand and gave it a quick glance. Then he stayed quiet
for a moment. Lu Sicheng: “What do you think about it?” Tong Yao: “I just want to put him and his Evelynn into a coffin, nail it shut, and bury it
underground, deep.” Lu Sicheng responded with an “hum”, then downloaded an input software first before
typing a string of words on Tong Yao’s phone. Afterwards, he returned the phone to
Tong Yao and continued to play with his own cell phone…… Tong Yao looked down on the screen of her own phone----- [ZGDX, smiling: Chessman.] [ZGDX, smiling: ?? ? ????, ???? ?? ? ???.] Three seconds later, there was a response from the other end----- [Kun: ……………………….?????! QAQ] Tong Yao: “What is this? What does it say?” Lu Sicheng looked up at it: “He said he’s sorry.” Tong Yao: “What did you say to him? You didn’t scold him, did you?” Lu Sicheng paused for a moment then spoke indifferently: “None of your business.
In any case, he won’t bother you in the future.” Tong Yao: “ Oh.” Then she ordered delivery. After eating, she went to wash up and got in
bed when it was already a little past midnight. Her teammates were still downstairs
playing ranked games. Tong Yao got into bed, playing with her cell phone.
As she was playing, Tong Yao suddenly realized that Kun hadn’t really sent any more
messages. She logged onto WeChat and copied the words Lu Sicheng had typed.
Then she copied and pasted the words to [Ah Mao’s mom]-- -- [ZGDX, smiling: What does this sentence mean?] [Ah Mao’s mom: Which Korean drama did you copy this from?] [ZGDX, smiling: Endless Love.] [Ah Mao’s mom: ……] [ZGDX, smiling: Don’t give me all those dots, what does it mean exactly? !] [Ah Mao’s mom: She’s my woman, don’t touch her. You brat.] “.......................................” Tong Yao’s hand jerked, her cell phone dropped right onto her face.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Don't stop at the good part! Ahhh

  2. No I wanna know what he typed ������

  3. Ah ah ah.. More than knowing what Chen Ge wrote.. I want to know what kun wrote.. It must of been something quite quirky or menacing to Chen Ges feelings for him to care πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ thanks for the update

    1. I read the raw version:

      Lu Sicheng: "μ–˜ λŠ” λ‚΄ μ‚¬λžŒ 이야, κ±΄λ“œλ¦¬μ§€ 마라 이색기 μ•Ό." ("She is my Woman. Don't touch her")
      Kun: "……… 죄솑 ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€! QAQ" (".....Sorry! QAQ)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think he typed (as Tong Yao), "I already have a boyfriend!" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  6. No. He typed "This is Chessman. She is my woman, don't disturb her."
    Thanks for the chapter

  7. What is it?...thanks for the chapterπŸ˜„πŸ˜„...


  9. Hahaha. Very true and effective
