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Thursday, April 25, 2019

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 40 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 40 Part 3

Xiang Nuan would always choose her namesake song, <<Nuannuan>>, whenever she
was singing karaoke. It felt to her that this song, sang by the singer Fish Leong, was
specifically written for her.

When Xiang Nuan took the mic and waited for the prelude, Lin Chuyan also took the mic
from Dayu: “I know this song.”

The song had a brisk, light-hearted tempo that sounded warm and sweet, suitable for
young girls to sing. But it didn’t feel out of place when Lin Chuyan sang it.

His beautiful clear voice, combined with the brisk tempo, felt like a fresh and gentle breeze
cheering the listeners as if they were basking under the warm sunlight.

Xiang Nuan stopped singing the song after a few lines so she could concentrate on listening
to his voice.

She felt strange how Lin Chuyan could so easily affect the mood of his listeners.  Even
though she was familiar with the song and had sung it many times before, she couldn’t
bring out the pleasantness of the song like he did.

Xiang Nuan was so envious of him. She turned aside to watch him. His eyes were fixed on
the lyric appearing on screen. As he was singing, he suddenly chuckled as if he had
remembered something. He happened to look sideways and met her eyes.

The lights in the room was dim but his eyes were sparkling.

Xiang Nuan quickly turned to look the other way, pretending that she hadn’t seen him.

After Lin Chuyan finished singing, as Xiang Nuan was still savoring the moment, a waiter
pushed the door open and walked in with a bottle of red wine and several glasses on a tray.

Min Lili said: “We haven’t ordered that.”

The waiter smiled: “This is from a Mr. Deng.”

They all looked at each other, no one could figure out which Mr. Deng.

Lin Chuyan had experienced in the past when people he met would pay for his bill as a way
to show friendship. Especially after he became poor, his friends from before all enjoyed treating
him as if it was a way to embarrass him.

He usually accepted it with pleasure.

He was planning to take the wine as well this time, who cared whom it was from. But after
glancing over at Xiang Nuan, he had a second thought: what if it was from a stranger who
had seen the pretty Xiang Nuan and wanted to charm her?

It was very likely that was what was happening here.

Lin Chuyan then waved to the waiter: “Take it back. We don’t need it.”

“Lin Chuyan, are you making me look bad?” A loud voice came from outside the door.

Xiang Nuan looked over and saw a young man standing there. He was of medium height
with short hair and narrow eyes, wearing a Hawaiian shirt. He was looking at Lin Chuyan’s
direction at first, but as he spoke, he glanced over the whole room out of curiosity. When he
saw Xiang Nuan, he was obviously taken aback.

Xiang Nuan, however, was pretty sure that she didn’t know this person.

Regardless, the person became quite enthusiastic. He strode into the room and said to
everyone inside: “How are you all. I’m Lin Chuyan’s best friend, Deng Wenbo. You can
call me Wenbo, or Bo Ge, or Wen Ge.” He glanced over everyone after finished talking,
then fixed his eyes on Xiang Nuan again.

Lin Chuyan acted quite aloof: “Just say friend, take the word ‘best’ out.”

Deng Wenbo laughed, not offended at all. Then he walked over to sit down among the
others. When he noticed Lin Chuyan’s watchful eyes, he grinned and instead of sitting
next to Xiang Nuan, sat on the other side of Lin Chuyan.

Then Deng Wenbo started to chat with Lin Chuyan’s friends.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. So, LC is a better singer than XN. Thank you for the update.

  2. "But after
    glancing over at Xiang Nuan, he had a second thought: what if it was from a stranger who
    had seen the pretty Xiang Nuan and wanted to charm her?
    It was very likely that was what was happening here."
    HAHAH He jinxed it!! lol
    Many thanks

  3. This is a private room right? Unless the new guy owns the place or somehow saw LC and gang going in, how did he know LC was there?
