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Monday, January 14, 2019

Starlight Has No Past - Chapter 16 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Starlight Has No Past
Chapter 16 Part 3

It was already growing dark when Ye Qiao arrived home. Qianxi didn’t know
how to convince her cousin and could only stammer: “......We can rest even
when we’re on night shift.”
Ye Qiao didn’t bother arguing and turned around to walk into the building.

The elevator doors closed just as Ye Qiao pushed the button to go up.
The two gold colored doors slowly opened, revealing a familiar face, Zhou
Tingsheng. He also had dark circles under his eyes, just like her. It looked
like he also just arrived back from the airport.
For a moment, Ye Qiao couldn’t connect the person in the story she had just
heard to the person standing in front of her.

She didn’t know what to think of the man in front of her.
The man involved in that horrible campus tragedy.
The sugar daddy in Zheng Xishuo’s imagination.
…...The man who refused her last night.

Remembering the night before, she wanted to erase it and try it all over again.
Compared to the other rumors, she, without any doubt, cared the most about
what had happened last night.
When they had crossed the threshold of being just friends, it was like putting
raw rice in the pot with water, either they cooked into rice or they had to be
dumped out all together.
The man’s life and background were so complex, it was beyond her wildest
imagination. Yet, that wasn’t her concern. What she minded the most was the
fact that he wasn’t interested in her.
Sometimes, a woman’s thoughts were just as simple and direct as that.

Zhou Tingsheng was holding the elevator doors for her. Finally, he couldn’t
stand the woman in front of him constantly sizing him up and down with a
judgmental look.
He leaned forward, grabbed her upper arm, and pulled her into the elevator.
The doors closed and the elevator began to slowly move up.
Before Ye Qiao could open her mouth, her lips were passionately sealed by his.
His voice was very gentle: “I changed my tickets and flew back on the flight before
Ye Qiao’s voice wavered from surprise: “En?”
“Do you miss me?”
As far as Ye Qiao was concerned, it had only been one day since they last saw
each other, but she couldn’t respond as her lips were currently sealed. All she
could do was study the tone of his voice as it grew more presumptuous.
Zhou Tingsheng’s hand impudently moved from her sleeve to her chest, gently
touching the scars of the tattoo with his finger tips. It itched and stung, but Ye Qiao
kept a clear mind: “The surveillance……” She pushed him away and turned her
face away.

Zhou Tingsheng took a small step back but deliberately did slowly, then leaned
forwards to get even closer to her. The surveillance camera was right above their
heads. Ye Qiao thought that from the surveillance monitor, they must look like a
couple about to get rather intimate.
Ye Qiao stared into his eyes.
The elevator stopped, Zhou Tingsheng used one finger to hold the open door
button. The doors were wide open, as if it gave them the choice of either going
to the right or to the left.

His voice was low and came from above her head: “Did you get enough rest
last night?”

Translated by Team DHH at