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Saturday, January 12, 2019

Starlight Has No Past - Chapter 16 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Starlight Has No Past
Chapter 16 Part 2

Ye Qiao mindlessly glanced at the picture then couldn’t look away.
It was a picture taken many years ago, obviously taken in secret. The
man in the military uniform was standing under the blazing sun, lips tightly
pressed together, with a serious expression. However, the handsome and
tough contour of his face was even hotter than the sun. Even the military
uniform couldn’t cover his good figure.
Ye Qiao carefully studied the picture. Though the man in the picture
looked much younger, it was without any doubt Zhou Tingsheng: “Where
did you get this picture?”
“My classmate sent it to me. She found it while going over old pictures.
She said he was the training officer when she was doing her military
training as a freshman. A lot of girls were crazy about him. You know I
like to collect pictures of handsome guys, so she……
“Is she from C University?”
Qianxi widened her eyes: “How did you know?”
Ye Qiao took her eyes from the picture but didn’t respond.
“So it’s really him!” Qianxi shouted in realization.  Her face then turned
grim: “Let me tell you, there’s a terrible story behind this picture!”

Qianxi opened WeChat and showed her the chat with her classmate to
Ye Qiao. Ye Qiao had conflicting feelings about reading it. Sometimes,
she would rather just know the person the way he preferred to present
himself instead of probing his background and learn all the complicated
drama. Regardless, she still lowered her head and began to read as it
had been presented right in front of her eyes.
Qianxi’s classmate had a similar temperament as Qianxi. She spoke
randomly and gossiped with great exaggeration. Finally, Ye Qiao came
up with a more complete story-- -- “You know what? A girl from my
department had a crush on this military officer and used his unit number
and his pictures to search for his name, she even got his cell phone

-- --Then? Did she get him?
-- --Certainly not. That guy just ignored her. The girl sent gifts to him
several times and each time he just returned the gift and told her to pay
more attention to her studies. He was super aloof.
-- --A handsome guy like him certainly would be aloof. What happened
to that girl then?
-- --She’s dead.

Her pupils abruptly shrunk. She felt a light pain on her chest where the
tattoo was, as if it was some sort of warning.
Qianxi moved down the screen where her classmate only offered hearsay
of what had happened to the girl-- -- “They said that one night the girl went
out to look for him, then she disappeared. A month later, the police located
her body. They said some gang killed her after raping her…...It was horrible.
She was a pretty girl; if it wasn’t because of him, she wouldn’t have been killed.”
There were all sorts of rumors about this incident on campus. However, there
was something different than the other missing cases. The police identified the
suspects but had yet to capture them. Those gangsters still on the loose were
not the normal street gangsters. They were the remnants of a drug smuggling
gang from several years ago and they weren’t there looking for her. She was
at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Qianxi’s classmate didn’t take the story too seriously as she told Qianxi. But
when Qianxi heard from Zheng Xishuo about Zhou Tingsheng’s family
background, she grew quite alarmed.

She asked Ye Qiao in a furtive tone: “Cousin, don’t you feel this whole thing’s…...
very fishy?”

Before she received an answered, the car arrived at Ye Qiao’s place. Qianxi
kept mumbling and tried to convey to her cousin that it didn’t matter even if he
was her sugar daddy, she had to be extra careful not to get herself killed. Qianxi
wanted to follow her cousin out of the car but Ye Qiao stopped her and asked the
driver to take Qianxi back to her own place. Qianxi was still struggling until Ye Qiao
frowned and coldly said: “Are you in one of those period pieces? Killing all the time?
Go back and have a good nap. Don’t fall asleep while on duty tonight.”

Translated by Team DHH at

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