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Thursday, April 27, 2023

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 71 Side Story 4 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 71 Side Story 4 Part 1

Xu Huaishi got a lift in a luxury car home. She felt like she was walking on cotton, her whole body was floating on air. But she couldn’t share the experience with her mother and grandma. After dinner, she went back to her study and opened WeChat to tell Ruan Yu what had happened: [His mother even told me to visit their home during Chinese New Year’s break and asked me to help with his studies. Does this mean that I’m going to join a rich family?]

Ruan Yu replied immediately: [Wow, novels really do originate from life. Next time when I’m going to write stories about domineering CEOs, I’ll get ideas from you.]

Xu Huaishi: [But mine probably isn’t a story of a domineering CEO, but rather the story of a domineering mother-in-law……]

She typed the words subconsciously and when she realized what she had sent, she immediately unsent it.

Bah, what mother-in-law!

However, she didn’t unsend the message in time. In no time she received a call from Xu Huaisong.

She was surprised. After picking up the call, she heard her brother: “Xu Huaishi, you have some nerve. Now you have a mother-in-law?”

“Whoa.” She complained: “Ge, how could you peek into my conversation with my sister-in-law?”

“I looked at it fair and square, don’t change the subject.”

“It was just a slip of the hand……”

Xu Huaisong was about to say something, but Ruan Yu took control of the phone: “It’s alright. Go do your homework, don’t mind your brother.”

Xu Huaishi asked: “Ur, he isn’t mad?”

“No.” Ruan Yu jokingly said: “It’s just because he heard about a Reventon and he’s afraid that he couldn’t make enough money to give you a proper dowry.”

Xu Huaishi was speechless. She heard Ruan Yu make “wu wu wu” sounds from the other end. It sounded like someone had covered her mouth.

Xu Huaishi covered her ears and shouted: “Ge, don’t let me listen to something I’m not supposed to. I’m still underage!”

Xu Huaisong took the phone back: “It’s none of your business. It’s going to be finals soon, study well.”

Xu Huaishi started to work on practice sheets after being turned away by her brother till 10:30 that night. She received a WeChat message from Zhao Yi: [Have you gone to sleep yet?]



[What are those dots for. Get to the point.]

[Memorizing ancient history makes me dizzy.]

[Take some medicine if you’re dizzy. Why are you bothering me?]

[If you have time, record yourself reading through pages three to five of the ancient history study guide and send it to me. I’ll listen to it in bed.]

[As if I have nothing better to do. Are you crazy?]

[It won’t take you more than 20 minutes.]

[Even so, I won’t read it. It’s late at night and my family is sleeping now!]



Xu Huaishi grinned. She flipped her cell phone over and set it aside to charge. Then she turned to go into the bathroom to wash up. After coming out of the bathroom, she laid down on the bed planning to get to sleep. But shortly after, she pulled the blanket off, got out of bed, and picked up her cell phone to start a voice recording.

She took the history study guide with her and hid in the bathroom while sighing. She sat down on the cover of the toilet and lowered her voice to start reading: “Measures: creating the three departments and six ministries system to strengthen centralization; the imperial examination system reformed the government officials selection system…

Xu Huaishi read through one page in one breath, then she paused the recording and went out to pour herself a glass of water to drink. Afterwards, she went back to the bathroom to continue reading the study guide. She read till she was so sleepy that she felt like dozing off. She said to the cell phone in a harsh voice: “I’m exhausted! I’m not going to finish reading the last half page.” She stood up and was about to click the finish key, but she paused as if she remembered something. She was silent for a moment, then softened her voice and said: “Good night.”

She sent the recording to Zhao Yi’s mailbox.

Translated by Team DHH at

1 comment:

  1. This kid has a better love story than me a grown ass adult
