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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 67 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 67 Part 3

Ruan Yu sat down right across from Li Shican and Sun Miaohan. Seeing Ruan Yu rub her hands, Li Shican immediately handed over a hot-water bag: “There’s an extra one, for you.”

Ruan Yu thanked him and asked at the same time: “How is it going?”

Sun Miaohan patted her chest: “No problem!”

Li Shican also nodded: “It’ll be good.”

Ruan Yu didn’t feel particularly comfortable with their overconfidence. She cautioned them: “Even though it’s only a six-word line in this scene, the emotion involved is actually the most powerful one in the whole movie. It’s a feeling like the pressure underneath a geyser building up to the edge of explosion but is abruptly suppressed……To be able to project that kind of emotion without any lines is the most difficult part. I was wondering why they wanted to start off shooting with this scene.”

Sun Miaohan quickly responded: “Probably to save money. There’s a ready source of extras, atmosphere, and props.”

Ruan Yu nodded but lightly frowned and said in a small voice: “But, why do they have to wait till midnight to shoot the scene?”

Ruan Yu thought the night sky now wouldn’t be that much different from that of midnight, wouldn’t it be better to start shooting earlier so they could all wrap up the work earlier? She would like to have time to be with Xu Huaisong on the phone when the New Year came.

Sun Miaohan scratched her head and didn’t know what to say. She elbowed Li Shican.

Li Shican explained: “Uhm, Uncle Cen has a strong sense of rituals and thought it would be a good omen this way. He asked the director to shoot the first scene right at midnight. I think it gives a very nice overtone to the movie, right, Miaohan?”

“Yeah, yeah, it’s quite nice!”

Ruan Yu blinked and picked up the cell phone to complain to Xu Huaisong: [This movie crew is very weird, from the investor to the director to the actors. None of them seem to be that normal.]

Huaisong: [When you find the whole world’s not normal, you should self-reflect to see whether you’re the one who’s not normal.]

Soft Jade: [What’s wrong with you, do you have a knife hidden in your mouth?]

Huaisong: [To irritate the girlfriend then flatter her adds fun to life.]

Soft Jade: [It looks like you aren’t acting normal either. It could be that the abnormal one is really me……]

Ruan Yu put down the phone and waited for midnight in irritation.

By eleven thirty, hundreds of extras were finally being called by the director to get in place on the sports field. At eleven fifty, the two main actors also walked onto the field.

The crew kept checking the positions of the lighting and fireworks. By eleven fifty-five, someone called Ruan Yu’s name: [Ruan Jie, please come over to check the angle of the shot.”

Ruan Yu was just about to call Xu Huaisong so they could celebrate the coming of the New Year together. She heard the call, put down the phone, and went over in confusion.

Why would they want her to check on the angle of the shot? She wasn’t the director of the film.

Ruan Yu was led to the center of the field and the director started to speak in rather technical terminology that Ruan Yu didn’t quite get. In the end, she understood the last sentence: “Xiao Ruan, we aren’t going to shoot the main characters in the first shot. I’m going to take a full shot. You just stand here and see whether the feel matches the original story.”


Though Ruan Yu had never shot a movie before, she still felt quite weird about it. She carefully asked: “Director, this spot I’m standing on now is the center, right? I won’t be filmed standing here?”

The director said no, then explained to her with a bunch of terminologies again.

Ruan Yu was so confused that by the time she realized the time, it was already eleven fifty-nine.

The director slapped his thigh and raised his bullhorn to yell: “Get ready for countdown.” Then, he seriously made sure Ruan Yu understood him: “Make sure you stand right on this spot. Raise your head up, try to feel it with all your heart!”


Ruan Yu started to wonder what kind of eccentric filming crew she had encountered.

Translated by Team DHH at

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