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Thursday, March 9, 2023

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 66 Part 4

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 66 Part 4

Ruan Yu looked down to check her phone and found that the call was from Zhou Jun. She jumped straight up.

After picking up the call, Ruan Yu heard a slightly hoarse voice on the other end: “Ruan Yu? I’m Zhou Jun.”

Ruan Yu hesitated for a moment: “You can use your own phone now?”

“Mhm, today I’m…… out.”

Ruan Yu couldn’t speak and felt a lump in her throat. After a while, she said: “That’s great.”

She didn’t know what to say next. Zhou Jun, on the other end, smiled and also quieted down.

After a long while, both of them opened their mouths almost at the same time.

“The case is resolved……”


The latter was from Zhou Jun.

He sounded exhausted. After a short silence, he said: “You go first.”

“I was going to ask, is the case resolved?”

“It’s resolved. Otherwise, I’d have to wait a while before coming out.”

Ruan Yu didn’t get to the bottom of it to ask who was the real killer. She didn’t want to remind him of such a sore spot. She figured that the case could be resolved right before the holiday, it must be because of the findings during the winter solstice.

A lot of emotions went through her mind. After a short while, she heard Zhou Jun say: “About what happened before, I haven’t gotten the chance to apologize to you yet.”

“It’s quite alright. You take it easy first. After Huaisong comes back from the US, we’ll get together to grab a bite and have a good chat.”

“Is he in the US?”


“I just called his number in the US but got the voice box instead. So I thought he’s still here.”

Ruan Yu was surprised: “Maybe his cell phone is out of battery. He’s sleeping right now.”

“Then I’ll contact him later.”


It seemed that there wasn’t much to talk about between the two. In half a year's time, it seemed that everything had changed.

When they fell into silence for the third time, Zhou Jun hung up the phone. Before Ruan Yu put her phone back into her bag, she recalled what Zhou Jun had said earlier.

Usually the cell phone service wouldn’t indicate why the phone call couldn’t go through, but instead transfer the call to the voice box. It was possible that Xu Huaisong’s phone was out of battery but it could also be possible that he wasn’t in the service area or didn’t hear the ringing.

Ruan Yu figured that, knowing Xu Huaisong was such a detailed person, it was impossible for him not to check the battery when he was setting up the alarm clock.

Puzzlement and uneasiness diluted the emotions she had earlier when talking to Zhou Jun. She picked up the phone and dialed Xu Huaisong’s number.

What she heard from the other end was a pre-recorded message: “This is Hanson, I’m currently not available, please leave me a message, I will call you back as soon as I can.”

Translated by Team DHH at

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