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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 65 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 65 Part 2

Xu Huaisong took a look at Ruan Yu and was about to say that he was just joking when he noticed that half of the lanes ahead were blocked. There were several policemen around bushes near the roadside, some of them digging with shovels.

The smile quickly disappeared from his face and he frowned.

Ruan Yu also noticed the activity and was wondering what the police were doing. Then she saw a policeman with gloves pick up an item from the deep pit.

It was a muddy and decaying…… piece of an arm?

Ruan Yu gasped.

Xu Huaisong reached over to cover her eyes with his hand and sped up to drive past the scene.

Perhaps the sudden speeding caught the attention of the police. When the car was near the yellow taped area, a policeman with a badge gestured for the car to stop: “Mr. and Miss, sorry, but could you please show me your id cards.”

Xu Huaisong touched Ruan Yu’s head and indicated to her not to look outside the window. After he handed over the ids, the policeman was surprised: “What a coincidence, Lawyer Xu?”

Xu Huaisong nodded: “You know me?”

The policeman started laughing: “You’re quite famous among the police from that incident where you helped us catch a suspect. Plus that incident where you knocked on more than a dozen doors of 302s at Jinjiang Community when you were drunk is also quite famous in our office.”


Ruan Yu abruptly looked up at Xu Huaisong in confusion.

Xu Huaisong faintly cleared his throat and tried to change the topic: “Um, you guys are here on a case?”

“That’s right. A few days ago, a suspect who was on the run for half a year was caught over in Hu City at a concert. They asked us to work with them to investigate. That’s why we’re digging for bodies in the middle of nowhere during a holiday.” After complaining, he nodded to Xu Huaisong apologetically: “Sorry to trouble you, Lawyer Xu. You can pass now.”

Xu Huaisong didn’t move and said with a frown: “You mean that suspect had buried a body here half a year ago?”

The policeman nodded: “Right, he’s a seasoned criminal. After dismemberment, he buried body parts everywhere. We only found a half of an arm here.”

Remembering what she had seen earlier, Ruan Yu’s entire body shivered, goosebumps appeared all over her body.

The policeman: “Ur, sorry, sorry, I’ve scared the lady.”

Xu Huaisong turned his head to hold onto Ruan Yu’s hand, comforting her. But he continued to ask the policeman: “If it’s convenient, I would like to know the exact time when the suspect buried that piece of the arm.”

“Well…… I can’t really disclose the details……”

Xu Huaisong nodded: “Then just tell me, was it during the time of the Dragon Boat Festival.”

The policeman was surprised: “Lawyer Xu, how would you know?”

Even Ruan Yu looked up in surprise, having forgotten her fear.

Dragon Boat Festival, wasn’t it the day when Zhou Jun got into trouble?

Xu Huaisong became serious: “I think……there’s another case that I have to ask you guys to reopen an investigation for.”

By the time they left the scene, it was already getting dark.

It took a while before Ruan Yu could recover from the shock and asked: “Will this really have any connection to Zhou Jun’s case?”

Xu Huaisong shook his head: “I’m not sure. But, Zhang Jie and I did surmise one time that if Zhou Jun isn’t the real killer, then the real killer has to be a seasoned criminal since he could clean up the crime scene so well that there was no evidence left behind. In addition, a seasoned criminal usually commits a crime again to cover up the previous crime. The thing is, at the time we only investigated crimes that occurred in Hang City around that period of time and didn’t find anything that fit. So we gave up on the idea.”

What he didn’t expect was that now there was a criminal case in Hu City.

“What you mean is that the victim might’ve been killed because she accidentally found the killer burying the body parts there?”

“We can’t rule out the possibility of it.”

“But, the burial site and the place the victim got killed are not at the same spot, only along the same road.”

“If our surmise is correct, it’s only reasonable that after committing the second crime, the killer hurriedly cleaned up the scene then rushed to a new location to bury the parts. If it’s at the same location, the police should have found it when they first combed the scene.”

Ruan Yu agreed with his reasoning. Then she shivered again and touched the goosebumps on her arms.

Translated by Team DHH at

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