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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 62 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 62 Part 3

Ruan Yu was sweating all over and her whole body was warm. She was no longer sneezing. She gave Xu Huaisong a stare and said: “Do your employees know that their boss is this kind of person?”

Xu Huaisong pulled her over to the shower and laughed to say: “Even if they know, I’m still their boss.”

After the shower, Ruan Yu went back to the bed and had a few bites from the lunch box. Then she took a two-hour nap before feeling like herself again.

That afternoon, Xu Huaisong left the office early with Ruan Yu.

All the lawyers at the office were relieved that their boss had left early and they all sent the two off with a smile since now they could get off work on time.

Chen Hui called out behind them with the heartfelt wish of everyone in the office: “Ruan Jie, come often. You have to come often!”

Ruan Yu turned her head and waved to him. Then she turned around to glare at the person next to her with gritted teeth: “The evils of capitalism. When they say that, they’re talking about people like you.”

Xu Huaisong laughed: “So you want to be a proletariat together with me?”

Ruan Yu paused, then seriously shook her head: “Then, it’s better for us to manage others.”

Xu Huaisong asked Ruan Yu about the progress of her script on the way back home and learned that it was finished. He told her to rest well for the next few days and he would be going back to the US for a week.

Ruan Yu knew that he had two more court appearances, one in early November and the other in late December. In addition, he had already begun making arrangements for the last two months to bring his father back to China. If everything went well this time, he should be able to bring his father back after this upcoming court appearance.

Since he would only be gone for a few days, Ruan Yu didn’t bother going with him. She stayed home and rested well. A week later, she and Chen Hui together with a caregiver Xu Huaisong had hired went to the airport to pick up Xu Huaisong and his father.

At noon, they met Xu Huaisong who was pushing a wheelchair with his father in it at the airport lobby.

Ruan Yu saw them coming from afar and came up with Chen Hui and the caregiver to meet them. She was feeling a little perturbed.

Xu Yin, like Jiang Yi, had been through a lot and looked a lot older than their age. He was sleeping with his head tilted and looked a bit run down.

Ruan Yu had heard from Xu Huaisong about his father’s condition in the past few days. Xu Yin at the present time didn’t have any life threatening complications, but had reduced mobility, couldn’t recognize his family members, and wasn’t able to feel warm or cold, hungry or full. He was emotionally unstable and not used to contact with total strangers.

Ruan Yu, therefore, was reluctant to greet him. She only conversed in a low voice with Xu Huaisong about Xu Yin’s condition.

Xu Huaisong said: “It went quite well all the way here. But I still need to take him to the hospital for observation for a few days. After he’s stabilized, then I’ll bring him home.”

Ruan Yu nodded and helped him push his father out of the airport. Xu Yin slept the entire way from the airport to the hospital in Hang City.

Ruan Yu was wondering why and only learned after his father had settled down in the hospital that he had been sedated with tranquilisers.

“There’s too many people on the way here. We have to do it this way.” Xu Huaisong explained while looking at his father who was sleeping in the hospital bed. He then confirmed with the doctor that his father wouldn’t be waking up any time soon. He gave the caregiver some instructions, then took Ruan Yu for lunch near the hospital.

Ruan Yu followed him downstairs and asked: “Do Auntie and Huaishi know that your father has come back?”

Xu Huaisong nodded.

“Then will they come over today?”

Xu Huaisong smiled: “Actually, everyone in my family is weird. My mom and I like to bottle things up. My dad and sister are stubborn. It’s been too many years, they probably need some more time to get over it.”

Ruan Yu held his hand: “It’s alright. Your room has all been arranged so you’ll be near your father. I’ll stay with you in the hospital these days.”

Xu Huaisong: “En.” His cell phone suddenly started to ring.

It was a number from the US which he didn’t recognize.

He picked up the call with one hand while the other continued to hold Ruan Yu’s hand as they walked outside.

Ruan Yu heard him saying a few sentences in English, then his eyebrows gathered. After a long silence, he said: “Please send me the letter, thank you.”

Ruan Yu understood the last sentence.

After Xu Huaisong hung up the phone, Ruan Yu asked: “What letter? Is there some work coming up?”

Xu Huaisong shook his head and said after a short pause: “This person said that my father had put three letters in his care five years ago and asked him to send them to me only after his death. But now that he has left the US, he’s wondering whether he should send them out or not.” 

Translated by Team DHH at

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