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Thursday, January 12, 2023

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 61 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 61 Part 3

In the video clip, both Jiang Yi and Xu Huaisong’s faces were blurred. Other people might not be able to recognize them, but Xu Huaishi and Tao Rong were able to spot Xu Huaisong immediately.

Xu Huaishi continued at the other end of the phone: “Mom hasn’t said a word, she’s been constantly cleaning the house for the whole afternoon. When I talked to her, she was absent minded.”

Xu Huaisong sighed: “I’ll go back when I have the time. You keep her company for these couple of days, understand?”

“Understood.” Xu Huaishi was silent for a moment. Before hanging up, she sounded like she was about to cry: “Ge……”

“There’s no need to say sorry.” Xu Huaisong interrupted her: “Except for the criminal and his accomplice, there’s no one at fault in this case.”

After hanging up the phone, Xu Huaisong sat in the car, remaining quiet for a long time.

Ruan Yu wasn’t in the mood to deal with the incident of women hitting on him anymore. She patted the back of his hand: “No one is able to change the track for something already happened. But this track isn’t going to end here; Jiang Yi has to go on living and we have to go on fighting as well.”

Xu Huaisong turned around and saw her smile at him: “The truth of Jiang Yi’s case has come to light but Zou Jun’s case has not. If all the people only believe their own eyes, then we would never know who will be the next Jiang Yi or where there’s another Wei Jin who’s complacent at how things have developed. Therefore, you have to be like your father, working with all your abilities for your clients and continue to fight on.”

Xu Huaisong looked at her: “En. But, will you be scared?” Like his mother at the time.

Ruan Yu shook her head and seriously looked back at him: “I’m not scared of rumors and slander. I'll always be at your side.”

Xu Huaisong smiled. Suddenly, his cell phone started ringing once again.

This time it was a call from Zhang Jie.

Xu Huaisong picked up the call and heard Zhang Ling’s happy voice: “Lawyer Xu, I just received a notice from the court. For Zhou Jun’s case, the two friends of the victim are willing to testify in court now.”

Xu Huaisong frowned: “What happened?”

“Have you seen the TV news? There's big news about the retrial of a ten years old case over at Su City. Everyone’s talking about it. The family of the victim of Zhou Jun’s case probably has changed their mind because of it. I’ll go to the court tomorrow to get the details.”

Xu Huaisong closed his eyes, then breathed out a long breath: “Alright. Appreciate it.”

After hanging up the phone, it was silent in the car again.

After a while, Ruan Yu suddenly laughed: “Huaisong, do you believe in karma?”

“Hrm?” Xu Huaisong looked over.

“I always feel that there’s karma in this world. You see, you discovered some evidence about Jiang Yi’s case while researching Zhou Jun’s case. Then Zhou Jun’s case may be at the turning point for finding the truth because of Jiang Yi’s case. No matter how things turn out, people sow seeds at one place and will always harvest the corresponding fruits at another place.”

Xu Huaisong curved up his lips: “Then, do you want to know your karma?”

Ruan Yu was surprised: “What?”

“A couple days ago the Cen Enterprise contacted me.”


Xu Huaisong touched Ruan Yu’s face with a smile: “After Wei Jin’s arrest, your movie project ran into a funding problem and after Mr. Cen learns about it, he decides to buy some of Global Filming’s shares and invest in your movie as a compensation for your involvement in that plagiarism incident.”

Ruan Yu was so stunned at the news, her mouth was wide open for some time: “Really?”

Xu Huaisong nodded: “I planned to tell you after talking over the details with Global Filming tomorrow.”

“But.” Ruan Yu frowned: “That’s just too much, I can’t afford to take it……”

Xu Huaisong lightly tapped on her forehead: “He’s going to make money investing in the movie. Besides, he’ll probably make much more than you would.”

Ruan Yu figured that it was probably true. Then she suddenly thought about something else and asked: “With him investing in the movie, would I have more of a say about the movie?”

“If you want, I can talk to them about a supplemental contract to get it for you.”

Ruan Yu nodded: “I don’t care much about other things but…… I want to share this karma with one person.”


“All these coincidences originated with Sun Miaohan. If I can have a say in casting, I want to ask her whether she’s willing to come back to audition again. I would like to work with her to shoot a decent movie.”

Translated by Team DHH at

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