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Thursday, January 5, 2023

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 61 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 61 Part 1

Daybreak the next morning, Xu Huaisong was awoken by the noise of a ringtone alarm.

Immediately, a hand reached over to rummage the top of his chest.

He frowned and caught her hand with closed eyes: “Your cell phone isn’t here……”

Ruan Yu was in a daze. With half closed eyes, she raised her head: “Where is it?”

She had the habit of putting her cell phone under the cover with her while she was sleeping, probably from living by herself for so long. It gave her a sense of security. She hadn’t changed the habit yet.

Xu Huaisong had smacked her cell phone in the middle of the night and removed her phone to put on the nightstand.

He was silent for a moment before opening his eyes amidst the persistent ringtone. He turned to search for the phone and turned off the alarm. He turned back and pulled Ruan Yu into his arms: “Why set the alarm?”

“I can’t keep sleeping and wait for breakfast to be served at your home.” Ruan Yu held on to Xu Huaisong’s pajamas and painfully said: “You didn’t kill the snooze setting. When it rings again, I’ll……”

Before she could utter the words “get up”, she had already fallen back to sleep.

Xu Huaisong was also fast asleep soon afterwards.

When Ruan Yu woke up again, she could smell the aroma of porridge.

She opened her eyes and was a little confused at first, then she sat up and pushed Xu Huaisong: “What time is it?”

Xu Huaisong woke up and took a look at his wrist watch: “Seven forty-five.”

Ruan Yu rushed to get out of the bed and ran into the bathroom to wash up.

“No rush.” Xu Huaisong also got out of bed and opened the door to go to the kitchen. He said something in the kitchen then came back to go into the bathroom as well. He hugged her from behind: “I went to apologize and told them I had accidentally turned off the alarm. You can take your time now.”

Ruan Yu had just used cleanser on her face and was ready to wash it off. She prodded him with her elbow: “Then don’t get in the way.”

Xu Huaisong didn’t get much rest on the airplane and was still quite sleepy. He half closed his eyes and rested his chin on Ruan Yu’s collar bone, putting half of his body weight on her.

Ruan Yu continued to wash her face. With the burden on her, she bent over and managed to clean her face. Then she put her wet face on his: “Wake up, hurry.”

The cold water on his face made Xu Huaisong open his eyes. He woke up and lifted a dry towel to dry his face, then used the other side of the towel to wipe Ruan Yu’s face. When the towel touched her face, she told him to stop.

“Hmph, wrong direction! If you wipe that way, my skin will slack!”

Xu Huaisong didn’t know what to do: “Then how should I wipe?”

Ruan Yu gestured upwards: “You have to gently push upwards.”

Xu Huaisong did as told and dried Ruan Yu’s face. He sighed: “You’ve also changed.”

Ruan Yu pouted her lips: “How so?”

He gave her a glance: “In the past, at a time like this, you would only say, ‘Oh, Xu Huaisong, you’re so nice.’”

Ruan Yu tittered and got on her tiptoes to kiss Xu Huaisong when they heard Grandma’s voice coming from outside the door: “Young lady, what are you listening to!”

Ruan Yu and Xu Huaisong froze. Then they heard Xu Huaishi dejectedly say: “Grandma, why did you give me away, I’m just checking to see whether my brother has gotten up yet!”

“......” Xu Huaisong gritted his teeth and opened the bathroom door to go out: “You don’t have enough homework, do you?”

Xu Huaishi covered her ears and ran away: “Mom, mom! I’m coming to help you serve the porridge!”

Ruan Yu and Xu Huaisong drove back to Hang City after having breakfast. On the road, Ruan Yu told Xu Huaisong: “Actually, I feel that Auntie still cares for your father. You concentrate on your lawyer exam first in the next few days. After the exam, try to find a chance to talk to her?”

Xu Huaisong didn’t say anything.

Ruan Yu glanced over and was about to question him for not responding. Xu Huaisong smiled and said: “Got it.” Then, he reached over to hold her hand.

Ruan Yu pushed his hand away: “Drive safely.”

Having a girlfriend who’s even more strict than the traffic police, Xu Huaisong had no choice but to place his hand back on the steering wheel and focused on driving all the way back to Hang City.

Xu Huaisong soon found out that there was something else she was even more strict about.

Translated by Team DHH at

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