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Thursday, October 20, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 54 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 54 Part 2

Three days later, Ruan Yu went to Global Filming for a script meeting.

Xu Huaisong drove her over and reminded her to keep in touch, avoid being left alone, and if she encountered Wei Jin, act naturally.

The police investigation was still underway. Ruan Yu had to pretend that she knew nothing about it. After she got out of the car, she practiced what expression to have or words to say in her mind.

However, it turned out that she didn’t have to prepare for that since Wei Jin hadn’t come down from his 19th floor office to the meeting room on the 7th floor the whole morning.

Just as she was feeling lucky, the producer’s secretary brought over milk teas for everyone in the meeting during the lunch hour.

The milk teas were from the same brand and the same flavor as the last time.

An idea popped up in Ruan Yu’s brain and a WeChat message came in to prove her suspicion.

Li Shican: [Don’t need to be nervous. I’m on the 19th floor.]

So her good luck was only a facade.

It was Li Shican who had come up with another excuse to stay on the 19th floor so she could avoid any possible contact with Wei Jin.

Ruan Yu replied: [Thanks. Sorry to trouble you again and waste your time.]

Li Shican: [No problem. I have the time. The air conditioning is nice and free here.]

Ruan Yu didn’t reply and right before she was going to look away from her cell phone, she suddenly noticed that there was a new friend request down below.

She clicked it open. It seemed that it was from a newly registered account with no profile picture. The verification content: [How are you, I’m Lu Shenglan.]

Ruan Yu was surprised.

The day before yesterday, Lu Shenglan had sent her assistant to deliver the documents to the law office and didn’t meet Xu Huaisong in person. By now, she probably had already received all the signed documents. Why would she want to connect to her through WeChat all of a sudden?

Baffled, Ruan Yu accepted.

Lu Shenglan quickly sent over a straightforward message: [How are you, Ms. Ruan, sorry to bother you. I’m going back to the US today and I would like to have some tea with you before I go, if it’s convenient for you.]

Ruan Yu did have a lunch break.

But why would she want to have tea with her now?

Her finger lingered on the screen for quite a while. She was about to back out of the chat to ask Xu Huaisong what was going on when Lu Shenglan sent another message: [I don’t have anything in mind. It’s just that I would like to tell you what Huaisong’s life in the US was like. If possible, please keep it from him for now.]

His life in the US?

Ruan Yu frowned and typed: [I’m at Global Filming and only have a one hour lunch break.]

Lu Shenglan: [Then I’ll drive over. Can you be at the front door after ten minutes?]

Soft Jade: [Sure.]

Ruan Yu got into Lu Shenglan’s car in front of Global Filming.

She was still in a clean cut business suit. When she saw Ruan Yu, she removed her sunglasses to greet her. Then she was quiet until they were in a private room of the tea house right across.

After the tea was served, Ruan Yu noticed that Lu Shenglan still seemed to be organizing what she wanted to say. Ruan Yu asked at first: “Ms. Lu, how do you know my WeChat account?”

Lu Shenglan lowered her head and grinned: “It’s from that time.”

The atmosphere in the room abruptly changed with her simple answer.

Lu Shenglan immediately raised her eyes: “I’m very sorry for what happened that day. But I’m here today not to apologize to you. What I’m about to say will probably make me feel sorry to you as well. But if I don’t tell you about it, you’ll probably never know.”

Ruan Yu frowned.

After Ruan Yu returned to Global Filming from the tea house, she was absent-minded the whole afternoon. Several times during the meeting, she was called upon by the producer but she didn’t even hear the topic of their discussion.

It wasn’t until the meeting adjourned in the evening and Xu Huaisong texted her that he was already outside the building that Ruan Yu was able to pull herself together to go downstairs.

Translated by Team DHH at

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