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Thursday, September 29, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 52 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 52 Part 3

Xu Huaisong came out of the bathroom and asked: “What are you looking at?”

Ruan Yu: “Uh.”

Xu Huaisong walked over and saw the enlarged picture on the computer screen. He sighed: “I told you you would get scared and you still looked at it.”

Ruan Yu shook her head to indicate that she wasn’t scared.

She pointed at the screen and her index finger slightly quivered: “This man……”

“What about him?”

Ruan Yu widened her eyes in amazement: “He looks like Wei Jin!”

Xu Huaisong had never met Wei Jin and didn’t pay much attention to the other people when he studied the old pictures.

He asked: “Are you sure?”

Ruan Yu looked at the screen again and carefully studied the picture with her head tilted: “The resolution isn’t high enough. It’s hard to tell. But, he really looks like him, especially his eyes…… If it really is Wei Jin, why would he show up in this picture? You have any way to check his educational background?”

A person like Wei Jin must be very careful keeping his personal information confidential. In addition, the police were investigating him because of drug-related crimes. If Xu Huaisong started checking his background, it might alert him.

After giving it some thought, Xu Huaisong opened his contact list on his cell phone: “I can try using some of the connections that my father has.” He started making several phone calls.

Half an hour later, information of Wei Jin’s educational background was sent to Xu Huaisong’s email.

Ruan Yu sat next to him and watched without blinking as the file downloaded until the PDF showed up. She tightly grabbed Xu Huaisong’s sleeve.

Wei Jin was a graduate of Su City Business College and in the same department and same year as Jiang Yi.

Ruan Yu suddenly had goosebumps all over her. She grabbed onto Xu Huaisong’s arm: “What does this mean?”

Xu Huaisong frowned but shook his head: “It doesn’t mean anything.”

He knew what she was thinking of.

The real killer of the old case ten years ago had never been found. Wei Jin was present at the dinner that night and was the same age and had a similar figure as Jiang Yi.

However, would a person necessarily be a killer just because he had a history of taking drugs and raping women? One certainly couldn’t jump to conclusions.

Wei Jin wasn’t on the list of suspects at that time, which meant that the police had ruled out the possibility that he was involved.

Ruan Yu could understand the reasoning; it was impossible for the police to reopen the case just based upon her surmise which was colored by personal feelings.

If the police actually did that, then the country might need one hundred million police to be able to handle all the surmises.

But Ruan Yu wouldn’t give up so easily: “Isn’t Officer Fang investigating Wei Jin right now? Why not share this information with him, he might happen to discover some leads?”

Xu Huaisong shook his head: “Let’s not consider how realistic your accusation of Wei Jin is. The fact is that the Jiang Yi case occurred ten years ago in Su City. For the police to take on a case in a different province and to reopen an old case, it’ll have to meet certain requirements and it would be hard for him to “happen” to find something. Ten years ago, the police back then were the closest to all the clues and evidence and they didn’t find anything. How would Officer Fang find anything now? The only breakthrough we can hope for is the police's investigation into his drug usage.”

Ruan Yu nodded: “Then, how did that investigation go?”

Xu Huaisong wasn't a police officer and didn’t know too much about the details: “They probably suspect that there’s a drug organization behind Wei Jin and are secretly collecting information. I heard that Officer Fang went to Vietnam a couple days ago and has also scheduled a trip to Las Vegas in the US after that. It’s not easy to track across borders. Besides he has to do it covertly, it won’t progress that fast.”

Fortunately, Wei Jin was the kind of person who didn’t care about trivial things. He didn’t think the incident with Sun Miaohan or being seen by Ruan Yu was something worth being concerned about.

At the suggestion of the police, Sun Miaohan had already left Hang City, pretending not to make a fuss about the incident. What Ruan Yu needed to do now was to pretend nothing had happened like Sun Miaohan.

Only then, would she prevent arousing any suspicion from Wei Jin and the police could slowly push their investigation forward.

Translated by Team DHH at

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