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Thursday, September 22, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 52 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 52 Part 1

Xu Huaisong and Ruan Yu both froze at the door. They gave each other a look after 30 seconds.

Ruan Yu hesitantly asked: “Didn’t the front desk ask you what type of room you wanted?”

“Hum.” Xu Huaisong looked quite innocent: “I said whatever.”


Ruan Yu surveyed the room once again and noticed that even the lighting was rather suggestive. If this was a randomly picked room then the problem didn’t rest upon Xu Huaisong.

Ruan Yu backed up a few steps to take a look at the logo of the hotel in the corridor. The logo had two very active little figures on it. It was quite obvious what kind of hotel this was.

They were probably blind before they came here.

What should they do now?

Xu Huaisong looked down at his wrist watch, probably mulling over whether to change hotels or not.

Noticing that Xu Huaisong planned to leave, Ruan Yu felt that she should make good use of this unique experience.

She said: “No rush, no rush. Let me go in for a tour first. I can use it in my novel in the future……”

Ruan Yu curiously walked in, Xu Huaisong had no choice but to follow her in.

Ruan Yu had totally forgotten the goose bumps she had earlier when she first laid eyes on the room. Now she was looking here and there as if she had walked into a new world.

She squatted down next to a S shaped lounger and pondered about the shape. Since it was beyond her comprehension, she was quiet for a moment before looking up and hesitantly asked Xu Huaisong: “What’s this for……”

Xu Huaisong paused, looked away, then said without much expression: “How would I know?”

Ruan Yu thoughtfully said “oh.” She then turned her eyes to the large wooden barrel, about half the height of an adult, in the bathroom. She walked in to pull the shower curtain and said in a low voice: “There’s a curtain……”

It didn’t seem as unacceptable as she had first thought.

“Are you done looking?” Xu Huaisong rushed her outside the door.

Ruan Yu told him to wait a little longer. She walked over to the bed and looked up at the large mirror on the ceiling. She tilted her head to look at herself in the mirror and said: “The design is quite nice. When the sun shines into the room in the morning, you open your eyes and can see the beauty……”

Xu Huaisong frustratedly walked over and tugged on her: “Are you going? If not, we’ll stay here for the night.”

Ruan Yu was attracted to the many never before seen furnishings in the room, even the lights could change to seven or eight different colors. She pushed different buttons here and there, looked around, and lingered.

Perhaps she had stayed in the same room with Xu Huaisong so many times, Ruan Yu wasn’t particularly nervous about staying put. She said after thinking about it: “A room is a room. Since we’re already here, let’s just make do……” She started playing with the lights again as she was speaking.

Xu Huaisong felt that she wasn’t just putting up with the room, she actually quite enjoyed the room.

So be it.

He closed the door and opened his briefcase to take out his laptop which was almost out of power. He plugged the laptop in the outlet but found that there was no desk in the room.

It made sense since the people who came to this hotel were not going to do any office work anyway. He looked around and finally put the laptop down on top of a somewhat normal looking flat chair. Then he turned to look at Ruan Yu: “I need to go over the case a bit. You go shower first.”

Ruan Yu was still adjusting the lighting. She paused and took a look at the bathroom.

While she was touring around the room, the clear glass bathroom seemed alright with the shower curtain. But when she was actually about to go in, she suddenly felt quite awkward about it.

Noticing Ruan Yu suddenly become stiff, Xu Huaisong thought that it might not be a good idea to have her go in first. He said: “Let me go in and check it out first.” He was afraid that there was something strange that might scare her.

Translated by Team DHH at

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