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Thursday, September 15, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 51 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 51 Part 2

Ruan Yu didn’t know the answer to Zhang Ling’s question. She was a romance novel writer and came up with the scenarios based upon her analysis of the mental states of two lovers. To look for evidence would be the specialties of the lawyers.

Xu Huaisong thought for a while before saying: “Did the victim have any close female friends?”

“There are her two college roommates.”

Xu Huaisong nodded: “After we arrive at Su City, Zhang Jie will go contact these two persons. Xiao Chen and I will go as planned to visit our client’s neighborhood.”

Ruan Yu followed Xu Huaisong to where Zhou Jun lived.

Originally, Zhou Jun lived in the same neighborhood as Ruan Yu’s family and Xu Huaisong’s grandma. After the neighborhood was demolished, Zhou Jun had relocated to the resettlement housing.

Since the resettlement housing was in the countryside, Ruan Yu and Xu Huaisong’s families decided to take the compensation money instead of moving to the new housing.

Chen Hui carried a briefcase and a list of schedules, leading the way in front of Ruan Yu and Xu Huaisong.

They interviewed five families in the neighborhood.

The sixth person they intended to visit was a mutual friend of both Zhou Jun and the victim. This person worked in the market. When they arrived at the person’s home, it was already evening. The person’s wife said that he was still at the market selling fish. They tried to call him but he didn’t pick up their calls, possibly because he didn’t hear the phone ringing since the market was noisy.

Xu Huaisong checked his watch.

Since this was the last one on their list, Ruan Yu guessed that Xu Huaisong probably didn’t want to drag on for too long. She suggested: “We can just go to the market then.”

Xu Huaisong and Chen Hui had no objections and they drove to the market.

The two men were dressed in suits and looked quite out of place in the market. After getting out of the car, both men stood at the entrance to the market and didn't know where to even begin their search.

Ruan Yu, who cooks and goes to market often, took a look inside and then pointed at the rows of seafood stalls to say: “He should be over there.” She led the two men past the meat section as she was speaking.

As they were passing through the meat section, an empty soda bottle rolled over on the ground towards them.

Xu Huaisong pulled Ruan Yu over and said “be careful.” Then they saw a middle aged man come over wearing only an undershirt. He bent over to pick up the bottle to put into a plastic bag.

There were quite a few empty bottles inside the plastic bag. It looked like the person was collecting empty bottles in exchange for money.

It was quite a common thing in the countryside. They were preparing to make way for this person but he happened to look up. He fixed his eyes on Xu Huaisong and was stunned. He squinted his eyes and stammered: “Xu….. Lawyer Xu?”

Xu Huaisong blinked as if he was trying to search for this person in his memory. But he couldn’t remember seeing this person before. He was quiet for a moment, then politely said: “How are you.”

The person got excited and let go of the plastic bag, dropping all the bottles and cans on the ground. He went forward to shake Xu Huaisong’s hand but stopped himself after noticing his own dirty hands.

Xu Huaisong was confused: “Do you know me?”

“Lawyer Xu, you don’t remember me? You handled my case ten years ago……”

Xu Huaisong was dumbfounded. How could it be possible for him to handle any case ten years ago?

Xu Huaisong soon realized: “Perhaps you’re talking about my father?” He frowned as he spoke and looked carefully at the person: “Mr. Jiang?”

Jiang Yi was taken aback: “Oh, you’re Lawyer Xu’s son. I’m confused……” He smiled embarrassedly: “Right, how could anyone get younger after so many years. However, you look so much like your father……”

Ruan Yu was baffled and looked at Xu Huaisong.

Translated by Team DHH at

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