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Thursday, August 25, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 49 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 49 Part 3

Xu Huaisong had just sat down on the bed and turned on the lamp on the nightstand. Before he could ask anything, he saw Ruan Yu take a deep breath, close the door, and rush over to jump onto his bed.

Xu Huaisong was taken aback: “You can’t sleep?”

Ruan Yu nodded.

“Then what to do?”

She had already gotten onto his bed, what would he think about doing?

Ruan Yu was determined to go through with this and took a deep breath to say: “Aren’t you going to invite me to go under the covers……”

Xu Huaisong moved to the side a bit and lifted the covers up.

Ruan Yu slid in.

Xu Huaisong asked: “Then you can sleep like this?”

Ruan Yu nodded and lied down.

This was the first time that the two of them had shared the same bed and same covers. But Xu Huaisong, after turning off the lamp, kept about half of an arm's length distance from her.

Ruan Yu hesitated, pondering how to start the conversation. After a little while, she said: “Do you know what happened to the girl on the 15th floor?”

Xu Huaisong: “En. I pretty much have figured it out. You did good.”

“Then do you know who the guy is?”

Xu Huaisong was surprised at the question. He turned his head over: “Someone I know?”

Ruan Yu shook her head: “I haven’t mentioned it to you before. He’s the publisher of my film.”

Xu Huaisong became quiet. Ruan Yu couldn’t see that his eyebrows were furrowed.

Before, he thought this was just a brave act of hers and which had already ended. Now, he realized that the whole thing might be more complicated since this guy is the publisher of her film.

Ruan Yu, however, didn’t share his concerns.

She explained: “Last time Li Shican rushed into the break room was because I was on the same floor as that Mr. Wei. He reminded me to not get too close to this person. So when I encountered the same situation today, my first instinct was to call him to ask him about Mr. Wei.”

“I thought he knew Mr. Wei, so maybe he had a way to stop him. Otherwise I wouldn’t have called him.”

Xu Huaisong’s hands under the cover slightly quivered, then they tightened into fists. He turned to the side to face her: “Why didn’t you tell me earlier that such a dangerous person was around?”

The tone of his voice became a little bossy. It looked like he had gotten over whatever was bothering him.  

Ruan Yu thought “finally” and twitched her mouth: “You were in the US. If I told you, wouldn’t it just be bothering you for nothing? I’ve been very careful not to get close to him. You see, before today, nothing had happened. And from now on, you’ll be here.”

Xu Huaisong closed his eyes for a moment, as if he still felt some lingering fear about it. After a short while, he pulled her into his arms: “In the future, you have to let me know right away about things like this no matter whether I’m in the US or Siberia. You have to let me know right away.”

Ruan Yu lowered her head to bump into his shoulder: “You’re going to Siberia as well?”


Xu Huaisong lifted up her chin and seriously said: “I’m just giving you an example. I’m serious about this.”

Ruan Yu giggled as she circled around his neck: “Mhm, got it. Then, are you still upset?”

Xu Huaisong quieted down since Ruan Yu had seen through him.

Noticing that Xu Huaisong didn’t respond. Ruan Yu realized that all men liked to save face and quickly changed the subject: “Is the air condition not working right in this room? What have you set the temperature to? Why are you so hot?”

Translated by Team DHH at

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