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Tuesday, August 2, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 47 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 47 Part 2

As Ruan Yu was moving her neck around, she pulled on something in her neck and cried out in pain, “aiyo.”

“What’s wrong?” Xu Huaisong sounded rather nervous.

“I twisted……”

As she spoke with a pained expression, the door behind her suddenly opened from the outside.

Ruan Yu turned to look in surprise and saw Li Shican standing there dumbfounded. He met eye to eye with the slightly stunned Xu Huaisong on the cell phone raised high up in Ruan Yu’s hand.

It was a meeting across the ocean; despite being a quiet moment, it was an international meeting of such magnitude to move heaven and earth.

Ruan Yu wondered why Li Shican always ran into moments like this……

Ruan Yu felt quite embarrassed and didn't know whether to put the arm which was holding the cell phone up or down.

Which of these two men could save her from her embarrassment?

Neither of them did anything to save her. They looked at each other without saying a word, as if they had developed some sort of precious camaraderie.

All she could do was keep her posture and say to Li Shican: “Hehe. My bad, taking up the whole break room. Do you need something?”

Li Shican also regained his composure. He shook his head and explained: “No, nothing. I happened to hear noise coming from here and thought you might be in trouble…….”

What trouble could there be? Ruan Yu wondered. Then she remembered what Li Shican warned her about Mr. Wei earlier and her cry of pain from inside the break room with the door shut. She suddenly understood.

Ruan Yu was about to say something, but Li Shican nodded towards Xu Huaisong in the cell phone screen: “Sorry to interrupt.” He then backed out of the room and closed the door.

Ruan Yu turned back to look at Xu Huaisong on the cell phone.

He didn’t look too happy about what had happened.

But he didn’t say anything more about the encounter. Instead he told Ruan Yu: “I’ll be back on Friday next week. I’ll go to your place that night.”

It was only Monday now and it was almost half a month till Friday next week. However, Ruan Yu was busy with the script and barely noticed the passage of time.

It was August already. On that Friday night, Ruan Yu finished her script meeting at Global Filming at 9 pm. She wasn’t able to catch the last bus and had to get a ride home.

Xu Huaisong happened to call her at that moment, telling her that he was off the freeway and would be at her place in an hour. When he found out that she was in a taxi by herself, he told her not to hang up the phone.

They spoke all the way till Ruan Yu got off the taxi half an hour later. Her cell phone had only 5% battery left.

She told Xu Huaisong: “We’ll see each other soon. I’ll stop talking now. I’m going into my building now. You can concentrate on driving now.”

Xu Huaisong said “en” and hung up the phone.

Ruan Yu walked into the lobby and noticed that the elevator door was about to close. She hurriedly walked up to push the up button and prepared to apologize to the people inside the elevator. But just as she opened her mouth, she stopped out of surprise.

She knew the man and the woman standing inside the elevator.

They were Mr. Wei, Wei Jin, of Global Filming and Sun Miaohan.

Sun Miaohan widened her eyes when she saw it was Ruan Yu who walked into the elevator. She seemed somewhat terrified.

Wei Jin on the other hand didn’t seem to have recognized Ruan Yu. He leaned against the handrail with one hand around Sun Miaohan’s waist and the other hand on his lips. His eyes were slightly squinted and he looked at ease.

Ruan Yu, after a short pause, stiffly walked into the elevator. She quietly stood at a corner of the elevator, also pretending not to recognize the two of them.

The atmosphere inside the elevator was suffocating to Ruan Yu.

But perhaps it was only Ruan Yu who felt this way. From the corner of her eye, she saw Wei Jin tilt his head, putting the tip of his nose on top of Sun Miaohan’s head to smell her hair. He didn’t seem to mind that there was another person in the elevator at all.

Translated by Team DHH at

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