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Thursday, July 14, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 45 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 45 Part 3

Ruan Yu had just released her seatbelt and reached over at the back seat for some snacks. She was a little shocked to hear the seriousness in Xu Huaisong’s voice and turned her head to ask: “What?”

“I’m flying back to the US tonight.”

Ruan Yu responded with a low “ah.” “Has anything happened to your father?”

“No, not that.” Seeing Ruan Yu had gotten the snacks she wanted, Xu Huaisong reached over to fasten the seatbelt for her: “It’s my work. I have a scheduled court appearance the day after tomorrow.”

Ruan Yu breathed out a sigh of relief: “I thought it was something serious. You just go ahead.” Then, she seemed to feel that there was more to it: “What’s wrong, you’ll be gone for long?”

“I have to work on some other cases after that. There is some investigation and evidence collection work that I can’t do remotely. I stopped taking new cases about a month ago, but have to finish all the existing cases.” Xu Huaisong sounded a little apologetic: “If it goes smoothly, I’ll be gone for about two to three weeks. In the next six months, I’ll probably be going back for ten days or half a month from time to time.”

Ruan Yu nodded.

It was quite understandable that he couldn’t possibly close all the cases he had in hand in less than two months. Lawyers weren’t like other professions where they could simply turn in a resignation letter, hand over the work, and be done with it. He had to make sure all the cases in his hands were well taken care of.

Ruan Yu smiled and said after a short silence: “Aiya, it’s quite alright. Two or three weeks will go by in a blink of an eye. You have to go back from time to time so I won’t get tired of looking at you!”

Xu Huaisong chuckled and started the car.

Ruan Yu asked after a little while: “You knew you had to leave tonight, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

The court appearance was scheduled well ahead indeed. Last time Xu Huaisong flew to the US due to his father’s health emergency. His original plan was to stay in the US till he was done with the court appearance before coming back to China. It was because Ruan Yu was in such a bad mental state that he had made the extra trip back.

He had told Ruan Yu on the day he was back– –Aren’t you having sleep problems? I’ve come back because of it.

At the time, Ruan Yu was too immersed in the happiness that they were finally a couple and hadn’t given what Xu Huaisong had said a second thought.

Xu Huaisong turned his head to take a look at her: “To tell you earlier so as to make you unhappy earlier?”

No wonder he didn’t try to get over his jet lag in the past few days and specifically asked her what she wanted to do. Ruan Yu understood now why he insisted on taking her with him to Su City and a short while earlier in the Arts building…… wanted to kiss her.

Ruan Yu opened a bag of potato chips and fed a piece into his mouth: “You can tell me ahead of time if you have any work scheduled from now on. I’m not a three-year old; I won’t make a fuss about it. If you'd told me earlier, I would’ve just now……” Let him kiss her.

“You would’ve what?” Xu Huaisong asked.

Ruan Yu: “Hehe.” She laughed and shook her head. Then she went to chew on the potato chips.

The two of them chatted happily all the way back to her apartment in Hang City. Xu Huaisong walked her upstairs and said: “I’m not going in. Chen Hui will be here in five minutes to take me to the airport.”

“Then you get something to eat at the airport.”

Xu Huaisong nodded. He stood at the door watching her go in, then helped her close the door.

As the door was about to close shut, Xu Huaisong paused. Ruan Yu also abruptly reached over to grab the door handle. As one was pulling and the other was pushing, they opened the door again together.

Ruan Yu was the one who spoke first. Her voice was a little muffled: “Give me a hug……”

With the experience of last time, Xu Huaisong didn’t hug her outside the door. He moved inside the doorway.

Ruan Yu embraced his waist and buried her head in his chest: “Eat well over there.”

Xu Huaisong used one arm to hug her back and the other hand to touch the top of her head: “You’ve said that over eight times in the car already.”

She looked up: “Then, have you got it?”


“I’ll be watching out for San Francisco time. You have to take pictures of your meal and send them to me on time.”

Xu Huaisong sighed with a chuckle: “Got it.” He was quiet for a moment and saw that Ruan Yu was still hugging him. He said: “Chen Hui’s probably downstairs already.”

Ruan Yu: “Oh.” She released him and let him go.

Xu Huaisong touched her face, turned around to open the door, but paused again when his hand touched the door handle and turned back.

“What’s wrong?” Ruan Yu asked.

“May I……” Xu Huaisong hesitated, his Adam's apple rolled up and down: “Kiss you before I go?”

Translated by Team DHH at

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