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Thursday, June 30, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 44 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 44 Part 2

Ruan Yu turned into the kitchen to make breakfast. Xu Huaisong followed her again and said: “I’ll make a phone call.”

Ruan Yu wondered why he informed her about making a phone call. She replied as she took out cups and plates: “Go ahead.” She added right afterwards as if she remembered something: “Wait, who are you calling?”

“Lu Shenglan. I’m going to ask her to send me some information.”

No wonder he had to inform Ruan Yu in advance.

Ruan Yu waved her hand: “Call her.”

Xu Huaisong dialed the number in Ruan Yu’s presence: “Hello, I’m looking for Lu Lu.”

Ruan Yu suddenly turned to look at him: “What did you just say?”

Even someone as smart as Xu Huaisong was dumbfounded by this question: “What? What?”

Lu Shenglan had picked up the call on the other side. Ruan Yu gestured for Xu Huaisong to talk to her first. After he hung up the phone, Ruan Yu then asked him: “What did you just call her? Lu Lu?”


Xu Huaisong chuckled: “It’s Lu Lu.”[1]

Ruan Yu: “Hehe.” She handed him warm milk and a sandwich: “I just thought it was weird to address her like that and just wanted to point it out……”

Xu Huaisong: “En.” He turned to go back to the living room while trying to suppress the smile on his face.

After Xu Huaisong finally went to sleep, Ruan Yu stayed in the living room to work. She wrote down some editorial opinions on the movie script and sent them to Global Filming. Around the evening, she received a response from the film company. They were inviting her to attend the second script writing meeting tomorrow. The meeting would supposedly last the whole day.

Ruan Yu accepted the invitation. After Xu Huaisong had slept for 8 hours, Ruan Yu went to the bedroom to wake him up. She heard the ringing of his cell phone from the nightstand.

Xu Huaisong had woken up to the alarm and reached over to search for his cell phone on the nightstand.

Ruan Yu picked up the phone for him: “No name, but it’s a Su City number.”

Xu Huaisong wasn’t fully awake yet. He hesitated for a moment before saying: “Answer it for me.”

Ruan Yu answered the phone and immediately heard Xu Huaishi’s voice on the other side: “Ge!”

“Is this Huaishi? Your brother is sleeping. What’s up?”

Xu Huaishi cried out in surprise in a low voice: “Ah! Is this Ruan Jiejie?”

Ruan Yu started laughing: “Is there any other Jiejie who would answer your brother’s phone for him?”

“Oh, no, no! Jiejie, can you help me get my brother? I’m at the police station.”

“Police station?”

Xu Huaisong was now fully awake and sat up in bed. He took the phone from Ruan Yu: “You got into trouble?”

“Ge, it’s not me. It’s my classmate who had a fight with others and has been sent to the police station.”

“Why did you follow him there?”

“Aiya, he got into the fight because of me!”

Xu Huaisong became very sensitive: “What about you?”

“I don’t know either. Several boys in my class were talking about me behind my back, then this classmate of mine punched all of them. Ayo, he punched them so hard at the side of the road. I was scared to death. Policemen took me here as an eyewitness. But I shouldn’t be in any trouble.”

“That classmate of yours, are your teacher or his parents coming over to take care of this?”

“They’re all on the way here. I just want to let you know ahead of time that later on our teacher will want to contact my parents for sure. Can you help me cover this up?”

“If you aren’t going to be in any trouble, why should I cover it up for you?”

“Wa, Ge, you don’t understand. This classmate of mine is the same person who got caught with me at the piano room last time. The teacher will accuse me of having a relationship again! Last time, I tried so hard to explain to them, but mom was still suspicious. Now if it happens again……”

Xu Huaisong sighed: “Then you can give them my number.”

“Great, Ge! One more thing, our finals are over and there’s a parents’ meeting the day after tomorrow. If our mom comes to the meeting, won't this whole thing be exposed still?”

“Xu Huaishi.” Xu Huaisong was gritting his teeth: “Don’t push your luck. I have to drive for 4 hours back and forth just to go to your parents’ meeting?”

Xu Huaishi started to raise her voice towards the cell phone: “Jiejie, Jiejie, are you there? See how calculating my brother is? See what kind of person he is? It’s fine to fall in love with him, but never, ever marry him!”

Xu Huaisong: “......”

[1]: This is a play on words. Xu Huaisong is saying 吕律 (lǚ lǜ): 吕 is her family name and 律 which is short for lawyer (律师, lǜshī). So he’s asking for Lawyer Lu, but she thought he said LǚLǚ (吕吕) which is her family name spoken twice. This is a sort of shorthand or nickname people use for people that they’re close to.

Translated by Team DHH at

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