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Thursday, April 7, 2022

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 36 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 36 Part 3

Instructions came from the micro earpiece in Ruan Yu’s ear: “Tell him you believe in him.”

Ruan Yu instantly said: “I came up here to show that I believe in you.”

Something flashed in Zhou Jun’s eyes, but it soon faded away: “No one will believe me. After the prosecutor receives the DNA results, no one will believe me……”

Ruan Yu frowned a little.

The voice of the negotiator came from the earpiece once again: “Ask him why.”

“Why is that?”

“The driving record is gone and all the fingerprints belong to me. She……” His teeth started chattering at this point: “That piece of flesh in her finger nail is mine as well. She was calling my name in that phone call too. It’s too coincidental, all of it is too coincidental. All the evidence points at me; there’s no surveillance, no eyewitnesses. Who would believe me?” 

“If that’s the case, why would you call Huaisong for help?”

“Because I didn’t kill anyone, I really didn’t kill anyone!” He became agitated again: “Wasn’t Xu Huaisong’s dad able to swear black is white? He can help me…… He’d be able to help me for sure, can't he?”

There was a look of madness in his eyes which startled Ruan Yu.

Yet, Ruan Yu clenched her teeth and tightly grasped the handle of the aerial ladder: “Zhou Jun, no one has the right to swear that black is white. The only thing to determine whether it’s black or white is the black or white itself. And the only means to tell people whether a certain thing is black or white is the law. Just a little over a month ago, I was also in a painful situation where I was framed by others but the law cleared my name in the end. It will clear your name as well, you have to believe it, alright?”

“I don’t……don’t believe in law, I don’t believe in the police……They want to arrest me, they all want to arrest me!”

“But the law believes you!” Ruan Yu raised her voice a little: “When you don’t believe the law, the law still believes in you, believes that the suspect isn’t guilty. If you didn’t kill anyone, then work with the police to find the real killer and let the truth come out for her.”

“Real killer? Will there be a real killer?” Zhou Jun suddenly grinned: “She had a fight with me halfway on our way here. Before we parted, she said she definitely had ways to make me regret……This is the way she made me regret it. There’s no real killer, no real killer at all!”

“There must be a real killer. The police has already ruled out the possibility of suicide. If it’s not you, then there must be someone else.”

Ruan Yu stared into Zhou Jun’s eyes and with a persuasive tone of voice tried her best to convey as naturally as possible what she was hearing in the earpiece: “Zhou Jun, do you think it’s possible that her last phone call was actually to you? She said ‘help, let me go, Zhou Jun,’ but in reality she didn’t mean ‘let me go, Zhou Jun’ but ‘help, Zhou Jun’......”

There was a look of disbelief in Zhou Jun’s eyes: “What are you saying?”

Ruan Yu continued to persuade him: “You said you two parted because you had a fight with her? Perhaps, after you two parted, she drove the car away and met the real killer. Since she knew you were the one who was closest to her, she called you for help.”

“But while she was using the cell phone, the real killer tried to stop her and she accidentally dialed her father’s number who was 100km away. She was actually calling you for help, not telling you to let her go. That phone call can’t prove that you’re guilty……”

Zhou Jun stood still with his mouth dropped open. His hand relaxed and the fruit knife dropped directly to the ground. The crowd which was still gathered down on the street cried out.

The SWAT members who were hiding at the back of the building swiftly got on the rooftop and rushed up to bring Zhou Jun under control.

Ruan Yu’s legs instantly turned to jelly. With a thud, her knees knocked into the railing.

At the same time, the aerial ladder moved closer to the rooftop. The firefighters nearby came up to help her go down the ladder. Then they went back up to help Ruan Chengru down.

As Ruan Yu walked down the ladder, she looked back at the rooftop.

Zhou Jun knelt on the ground and tears streamed down between his fingers that were covering his face.

He kept repeating while using his hands to cover his face: “She didn’t kill herself to get even with me, she didn’t kill herself to get even with me……”

The arrest was successful. But at this moment, Ruan Yu didn’t feel any sense of relief. On the contrary, her heart became even heavier.

It turned out that Zhou Jun had run away because he had mistakenly thought that the deceased had killed herself and had created evidence to get even with him.

Then if one day when he walked out of the court acquitted of all charges, how would he continue with his life amidst the self-hatred and regret?

What a close miss. Now they were forever separated.

Translated by Team DHH at

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