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Thursday, December 30, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 28 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 28 Part 3

Shen Mingying replied right away after Ruan Yu’s urgent messages: [What’s all the fuss for? Is Xu Huaisong going to confess to you?]

Soft Jade: [Probably so!]

Or to be exact, he had already confessed?

Shen Mingying: [......]

Shen Mingying: [I was just saying that. Really?]

Shen Mingying: [Do you need Suxiao Jiuxin Wan[1] now?]

Ruan Yu touched her chest where her heart was racing like a wild horse: [I can hang in there.]

Shen Mingying: [Then what do you plan to do?]

If she knew, would she have to hide in the kitchen?

Shen Mingying: [Has he seriously asked to date you or only expressed his fondness of you?]

Soft Jade: [The latter.]

Shen Mingying: [Then what’s your feelings towards him?]

Soft Jade: [I don’t know how to say it with you asking me so suddenly……]

She had actually given up on him. But ever since that night when Xu Huaisong suddenly changed his attitude, she couldn’t stop her mind from trying to figure out his intentions.

Since it seemed quite inconceivable, she didn’t indulge herself in pondering on what she would have liked his intentions to be.

It seemed that she could only understand whether she was hoping for the front or the back side of the coin when the coin actually landed on the ground. The moment she saw the answer: “B”, she realized that she was hoping for “A” as the answer.

Yet, she couldn’t tell whether the expectation was from “the rekindling of an old crush” or “simply a force of habit.”

For her, Xu Huaisong seemed like a changed person, unlike the person she had known from before. To judge him based on her old feelings towards him made her feel like she had a split personality.

Shen Mingying sent a new message: [Alright, don’t worry about what your feelings are right now. After so many years, a chance has finally appeared. You just try to take him down. Worse comes to worse, you can dump him if you find that he’s no good. Then you can at least start your own new life afterwards. If you try to avoid him or turn him down right now, I guarantee, you won’t be able to get over him for the rest of your life.]

Soft Jade: [Take him down?]

Shen Mingying: [Yes, take him down, don’t let him take you. I mean like you’re on top of him when you’re doing certain exercises.]

Soft Jade: [......]

After Ruan Yu finished her discussion with Shen Mingying, she took her time to boil the water.

After the water boiled, she poured a glass of water, breathed in and out to calm herself down, then pulled open the door.

Xu Huaisong, on the couch, stared at her.

Ruan Yu cast her eyes down, reminded herself of Shen Mingying’s instructions, then quietly asked: “Who used your WeChat to reply to my message?”

Xu Huaisong didn’t want to hide anything: “My colleague whom you’ve met.”

“Ah, Ms. Lu.” She put down the water glass on the coffee table in front of him, then spoke no more words.

Just as Xu Huaisong thought she would keep inquiring about it, she abruptly stopped asking.

He felt like he swung but missed the ball. He had used force yet when he looked down, the ball was comfortably sunbathing on the grass.

After a while, she finally uttered some more words but what she said was: “She looks like a quite capable co-worker.”


Capable of what?

Xu Huaisong opened his mouth then closed again; he felt no matter what he said it would be wrong.

They were both silent for a while, then he said: “She’s my college classmate and colleague at the law firm. Other than that I don’t have any other relationship with her. As for this matter, it’ll be alright however you want to handle it.”

“Handle what?” Ruan Yu asked back.

Xu Huaisong felt like he had missed the swing once again.

But he couldn’t back down anymore.

He asked: “Aren’t you angry about it?”

“You’re the one who’s more angry.” Ruan Yu smiled. She took a look at her cell phone: “It’s five o’clock already.”

Xu Huaisong looked up: “So?”

She kept in heart the importance of taking the “home court advantage” and postured to take the initiative by asking: “Let’s go get dinner?”

[1]: 速效救心丸 (sùxiào jiùxīn wán), a Chinese herbal pill, that literally means quick-acting heart saving pill.

Translated by Team DHH at

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha, I love it!
    This novel is a bit different from other C-romances because it feels more mature or realistic. Xu Huaisong always thought he'll be in the shadows and thus has the advantage in their interactions but now he dropped the ball because of Ms.Lu. I hope he stops treating this like a courtroom case.

    Thank you for the update!
