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Thursday, December 23, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 28 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 28 Part 1

Xu Huaisong took medicine for his cramping stomach. He opened the bedroom door to make sure Lu Shenglan had left the suite already and went to lie down in his bed under the blanket.

He felt that he was probably behaving somewhat abnormally.

After Ruan Yu had spent the night on his bed that night, he had told the hotel not to change the blanket.

He took out his cell phone to take a look and was surprised.

The first thing shown on his WeChat chat history indicated that he had just sent a message to Ruan Yu.

But when he clicked on that message, he saw that before his account sent a “B” out to her, she had already deleted her message to him.

Three seconds later, he realized something and got out of bed to go into the living room. He checked his computer.

In the WeChat on his computer the chat box with Ruan Yu had been deleted. It was blank.

Out of professional habit, he was very keen on the importance of timelines. He didn’t let Lu Shenglan hang in his suite for too long. Only a minute had passed from when he hastily went into the bedroom from the pain of his cramping stomach until he heard the suite door being closed.

The time indicated on his cell phone indicated that the message was sent exactly within that one minute.

It was obvious what had happened in that one minute.

Lu Shenglan grew up in the US and wasn’t familiar with WeChat which was more popular among Chinese people. She thought if she deleted the record on the computer then no one would find out. She didn’t realize that it would leave a record on his cell phone.

Everything happened in such a short time, evidently Lu Shenglan was acting on impulse when she saw Ruan Yu’s message and didn’t have time to find out what it actually meant.

Xu Huaisong took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment, then typed on his cell phone: [What did you delete?]

There was no reply for a long time. It was so long that Xu Huaisong was preparing to call her instead, but then Ruan Yu got back to him: [I deleted it because I had sent it by mistake. Sorry about it, Mr. Xu.]

Xu Huaisong believed that she had indeed sent it by mistake and Lu Shenglan probably also realized that by the fact that Ruan Yu had deleted it right away. Lu Shenglan must believe that since it was a mistake, Ruan Yu wouldn’t mention it ever again and that was why Lu Shenglan had dared to do it.

The reasoning made Xu Huaisong believe that that message from Ruan Yu must’ve been rather crucial.

But as of now, Ruan Yu probably had misunderstood his question of “what did you delete” as “why did you delete it” instead of “what was in the message you deleted.”

Xu Huaisong lost his patience trying to make his point across and dialed Ruan Yu’s number instead.

It took a long time for Ruan Yu to pick up the phone, she probably was wrestling with something.

But to Xu Huaisong, there was no room for him to wrestle with anymore.

All of his blood seemed to have frozen the moment he saw the “B”. Now he was gripped by an unknown panic to the point that he couldn’t even notice the pain from his stomach.

He was straightforward when Ruan Yu answered the phone: “What I meant is that I haven’t seen your message. What’s the message you deleted?”

“Ah?” Ruan Yu obviously was quite surprised as well: “Then, why did you reply to me?”

Xu Huaisong gripped his teeth: “It’s not me who replied to you.” He asked again: “What did you delete?”

Ruan Yu quieted down. After a while, she said: “It doesn’t matter…… I sent it out by mistake anyway……”

Xu Huaisong turned to pick up his car key and got ready to leave his room: “Are you at your new apartment?”

Half an hour later, Ruan Yu heard her doorbell ringing.

When Ruan Yu received the “B” answer from Xu Huaisong, Ruan Yu suspected that he was going in a roundabout way to tell her not to flatter herself. Then she received his phone call and could clearly sense his intolerable impatience and exasperation. Within the half an hour between the phone call and the doorbell ringing, Ruan Yu kept trying to figure out what would happen next. She would dismiss one possibility, figure out another one, dismiss that one, and then figure out a new one– –She felt like she was riding on a roller coaster, up and down.

When the doorbell rang, Ruan Yu was suddenly afraid to open the door.

She walked to the door and made sure who was outside through the peephole. Then with the door in between them, she asked: “You…… why are you here?”

“Open the door.”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. I have to wait till Tuesday. I am hooked on this book. Thank you for the translation!

  2. Enough cliff has been dug. If the author insist on digging it further we the readers will be forced to bury her underneath :)

  3. If there is still no confession here...🖕 I like that unlike in most novel, XH did not chalked up the deleted message as a simple mistake
