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Saturday, October 30, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 191 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 191 Part 3

11 minutes into the game, G4’s mid, Orianna, went down to bot. Tong Yao immediately noticed it and followed her down.

11 minutes and 5 seconds into the game, the ward Old K left in the other side’s jungle detected Orianna. Lu Sicheng and his teammates started to pull back. The G4 bot duo didn’t suspect anything and pushed forward as ZGDX moved backwards.

11 minutes and 6 seconds into the game, Old Cat started to teleport down from top lane. At the same time, G4’s Gragas was going to gank top from behind but half way there he saw Old Cat’s Gnar teleport. Gragas was stunned at first, then began constantly pinging at bot that ZGDX’s top had teleported, ZGDX’s top had teleported.

11 minutes and 9 seconds into the game, G4’s top Rumble, obviously reacting a little slow, hesitatingly clicked teleport-- --

At that moment, Gnar had already landed in the bush at bot and used a basic attack to kill a minion under the turret to earn enough energy to become Mega Gnar. Mega Gnar stretched all of his four limbs and jumped out of the bush, smacking the ground of the Summoner’s Rift, sending G4’s bot duo together with their mid into the wall!

Gnar single handedly stunned three of the enemy!

Commentator G: [Ahhhhhh, he stunned all of them!]

Amidst Commentator G’s shouting, the stun on G4 was about to end and Kalista used her ultimate to throw Annie into the middle of the three enemies. Annie bumped into the three who were just about to be able to move around, then Annie used her ultimate to hit all three of them and then Syndra came up to kill all three of them-- --

It was a perfect ability combo!

Commentator D: [Bot is finished.]

Commentator F: [Rumble’s now teleporting to bot. He’s using his ultimate to force the other side’s AD to back away…… However, what’s the use, your teammates are almost all gone.]

Commentator G: [Rumble shouldn’t have come down…… He’ll be killed too. I have a feeling that he can’t get away. Though Gnar is small now and Kalista has left too, Smiling is still-- --Oh, Smiling is in such good condition; she used her dark sphere to drag Rumble back and kill him. This battle is now 0 : 4, G4 is in big trouble.]

At the 12th minute, after securing 4 kills, ZGDX continued to take down the first turret and the first elemental drake. G4, after all the players respawned, chose to give up fighting for the mountain drake and instead they turned to try to rush the outer turret at ZGDX mid lane-- --

ZGDX’s Kindred, who still had her ultimate, and Syndra arrived just in time to interrupt G4’s efforts. They weren’t able to take down the outer turret at mid. ZGDX’s other teammates also arrived…… Since all the players weren’t in the best condition, after forcing G4 to back away, ZGDX chose not to chase after them.

ZGDX held at a huge advantage at this moment-- --

Tong Yao hid under the turret to warp back to base. Her heartbeat suddenly quickened for no reason, as if all the blood in her had suddenly rushed into her brain in an instant before it slowly flowed down to her finger tips……

The desire for victory had never been this strong before.

She wanted to win.

To win this round-- --

Tong Yao took a deep breath. She had goosebumps on her arms and the hands on the keyboard were slightly quivering…… At that moment, she suddenly felt someone had touched her arm. She turned around to take a look at the man next to her. She met a pair of tranquil eyes. The man looked at her in silence, then smiled at her.

Tong Yao: “......”

She suddenly remembered that one night in the car, the man had slowly told her-- --

[Don’t worry. You’ll get everything that you want.]

Tong Yao collected herself. The boiling blood in her body seemed to calm down now and her focus was back on the current match.

21 minutes into the game, Gnar went to top to farm but was caught by Rumble and Gragas. Fortunately, Gnar transformed into Mega Gnar at the right moment, buying enough time for ZGDX’s AD and mid to rush over to counter attack. Gragas died and Rumble ran back with a sliver of health left-- --

ZGDX also took down Baron, who was nearby. When Old K used smite to take down Baron, the LPL fans in the audience cheered loudly which nicely covered up the awkward silence from the other half of the audience…... 

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Ohhhhhh the other side is dead silent HAHAHAHHA

  2. The power couple can just flirt in the middle of the game without a care. Hehe I love them!

  3. I love how even in the middle of such an important battle, he still notices when her emotions are about to take over and is able to completely calm her with just one nudge and one reassuring smile.
