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Thursday, September 16, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 19 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 19 Part 2

Chen Hui gave Ruan Yu a smile then turned to find that the porridge in front of Xu Huaisong was a different one. He found it rather odd and made an “eh” sound.

“Get me some tissues.” Xu Huaisong interrupted just as Chen Hui was about to ask.

Liu Mao was closer to the stand next to the bed and gave Xu Huaisong the whole box of tissues. Then he patted Chen Hui’s shoulder: “Let’s go. We have business back in the office.”

Chen Hui went along but suddenly turned his head back while at the door: “Oh, right, Song Ge, I read the email you sent at 4 am. I’ll give you the information later on.”

Ruan Yu was surprised to hear that.

She was sure by 3 am this morning she had already fallen asleep. Didn’t Xu Huaisong tell her that he didn’t turn off the video chat because he had also fallen asleep around the same time? 

Then she heard Xu Huaisong questioning: “3 am this morning? Were you sleepwalking?”

Liu Mao reacted quite quickly: “Xiao Chen has gotten it wrong. That was an email from me.”

Ruan Yu: “......”

What a group of lawyers she had gotten involved with, Ruan Yu thought to herself. They couldn’t get who sent which email straight. She began to worry for their clients.

“Oh, yeah?” Chen Hui rubbed the back of his head and went out of the door, still uncertain. When they were at the parking lot, he slapped his thigh: “That’s not right, Mao Ge. It was an email from Song Ge alright!”

Liu Mao opened the car door: “You should be better at reading minds. You don’t want to work in our law firm anymore?”

Chen Hui suddenly realized something. He got in the car and said while fastening the seat belt: “No wonder Song Ge started to act strangely ever since he met Ms. Ruan. For example, the day he came back, he insisted that I pretend that Zhang Jie had run into trouble. Later on, I made a voice call to ask him when to pick him up. But he told me ‘not eating yet’ out of nowhere……”

Liu Mao didn’t know about this matter. After giving it some thought, he sent a message to Xu Huaisong: [Don’t go overboard with your tricks. If anything, don’t delay the comparison columns anymore. She has already brought over the final draft, there’s no excuse not to finalize it.]

Xu Huaisong had just finished eating the porridge. He picked up his cell phone and read the message. He was quiet for a moment then typed: [You think I want to delay it?]

They were like a lotus root[1] which had been cut into two halves, except for this case, there wasn’t any other connection between them that remained.

But Liu Mao was right, this matter should have ended by now.

Noticing that he had finished eating, Ruan Yu gathered the box and utensils and said it once again: “Mr. Xu, get some rest, I’ll be going now.”

Xu Huaisong nodded while flipping through the documents she had brought. When Ruan Yu was at the door with the thermal box, he said: “Wait a minute.”

Ruan Yu looked back with doubt in her eyes.

He said: “There’s always a chapter missing in your draft.”

Indeed, there was one missing chapter, the one in which the female lead had the exotic dream.

Ruan Yu’s heart suddenly jerked.

She tried hard to calm down: “Is there?”

Xu Huaisong didn’t give her a chance to get away with it: “Let’s go through chapter 23 to make sure.”


Xu Huaisong nodded.

Ruan Yu had no choice but to go back: “But I don’t have the draft with me.”

“Not even on your account on the website?”

Ruan Yu wondered why he, a lawyer, would know about the backend of a feminine literature website?

Ruan Yu took her time to log on to the website on her cell phone.

She couldn’t get away from it but at least she could find an excuse not to be face to face with him: “The network is a little laggy. I’ll send it to you on my way back then.”

“There’s wifi here, the password is four 6s four 8s.”

Ruan Yu secretly took a deep breath and gritted her teeth. Three minutes later, she copied and pasted the chapter to a file and sent it to him. Then she said: “I’ve sent it to you. Then I’ll be going.”

[1]: Lotus root is used here because when it breaks it usually has sticky silky string/fiber that still connects the pieces. He's saying that this case is the only connection he has to her now.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Thank you for your hard work. I can't wait to read what the reaction will be from Xu Huaisong, when he reads her "exotic dream" chapter. ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ

  2. Ohohoooo so excited for next chappie.
    Thank youuu
