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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 19 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 19 Part 1

Ruan Yu could hear Liu Mao’s voice coming from inside the hospital room as she got closer: “How would I know that you haven’t eaten lunch? You didn’t even tell me.”

“I did. WeChat.” Xu Huaisong answered positively.

Ruan Yu stopped at about one meter from the door. She looked down at the thermal box in her hand and didn’t know what to think.

Xu Huaisong’s illness must be making him confused. He did say it on WeChat, but he had sent it to her.

She understood now why she had received a message from him after hanging up the voice chat. The message sounded like it was for a close friend and quite demanding: [Bring me a bowl of porridge at noon.]

A map and the number of his hospital room were attached to the message.

It looked like he had mistakenly sent the message meant for Liu Mao to her?

Looking at that commanding message as she remembered that he was taking care of her case while getting an infusion in the hospital, it was impossible for her to refuse his request even if it was just out of sympathy.

Now what should she do? Should she go in or not?

Ruan Yu hesitated in front of the door. Suddenly she heard Liu Mao’s voice again: “Alright, I’ll go buy it for you.” He strode to walk out of the room right after saying so.

It was too late for Ruan Yu to avoid him. She wryly smiled: “Mr. Liu.” She lifted up the thermal box in her hand while speaking: “Going to buy porridge?”

Liu Mao led her into the room.

Xu Huaisong was sitting on the bed leaning against the pillow. He was typing something on the computer. It looked like he was still working. A surprised look flashed in his eyes as he saw Ruan Yu come in.

Ruan Yu: “Uh, the door was open and I heard your conversation……” She shook her cell phone while talking: “Mr. Xu, your porridge.”

Xu Huaisong seemed a little surprised before he realized it. He looked down to take a look at his cell phone: “Oh.” Then he added after a short pause: “Sorry to trouble you.”

Ruan Yu put down the thermal box and the documents in her other hand: “Then I’ll be going now. This is the final draft of the comparison columns. I’ll leave them with you. You can look at them when you’re feeling better.”

Liu Mao stopped her: “Hum, you’ve made the trip for me on such a scorching day. I’ll treat you to something cold.”

Ruan Yu shook her hand and said there was no need for that. When Liu Mao suggested “then sit for a while and have some fruit”, Ruan Yu didn’t feel right to refuse again.

Liu Mao let her sit in a chair nearby, then put the thermal box on the small table in front of Xu Huaisong and opened the cover for him.

The fragrance of osmanthus came out of the box. It was a two-layer box with one layer of white porridge and the other with red bean paste.

Liu Mao wondered what strange way of eating porridge this is?

Xu Huaisong on the other hand seemed very familiar with it. He used wet wipes to clean his hands before slowly pouring the red bean paste over the white porridge.

A sense of loneliness from being “left out” filled Liu Mao’s heart. Filled with curiosity, he asked: “Is this a specialty from your hometown?”

He had used the plural form of your, but Xu Huaisong replied with an en without feeling anything wrong with it.

Ruan Yu jumped: “How does Mr. Xu know that I’m also from Su City?”

“I’ve looked it up.” He scooped up some porridge and replied with her own words. When he looked up, he saw her face was turning pale. He slightly bit his lower lip and added: “Your WeChat profile.”

In her profile, she did list “Su City” as her area.

Ruan Yu relaxed a bit. It was alright that he had found out they were from the same city as long as he didn’t know they were from the same school.

She changed subjects to conceal her uneasiness: “I didn’t use sticky rice since it’s hard on digestion. The texture might be a little off, you’ll just have to make do.”


Liu Mao felt that he was being ignored even more now. As he was planning to leave the room, Chen Hui, who he had sent away earlier, happened to come back. He was surprised to see Ruan Yu there: “Ms. Ruan, you’ve also come to visit Song Ge?”

Ruan Yu thought to herself that it was actually because of a screwup but she couldn’t really say that she wasn’t here to visit Xu Huaisong. Therefore she could only nod and said: “Yeah.”

Translated by Team DHH at