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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 18 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 18 Part 2 

Ruan Yu turned on the bedside lamp. The bedroom instantly brightened up and she received Xu Huaisong’s invite for voice chat.

She accepted as she pulled the blanket off of herself so she could get out of bed. She put on slippers and said: “Please wait a minute. I’ll go get the file.”

Xu Huaisong replied: “En.”

When Ruan Yu opened her bedroom door, a streak of lightning flashed outside the window. The brief flicker of light illuminated a corner of the dark living room. It felt like a scene in a horror movie.

Ruan Yu shuddered and quickly switched on the ceiling light. She tried to lessen her uneasiness by talking: “Mr. Xu.”


“Is it raining at your place?”

“It just stopped.”

“Then, the dark cloud has moved to my place now……”

The other side became quiet, probably unsure of what to say.

Ruan Yu couldn’t find the file at the moment. She probably had stuffed it under something.

She could only start another topic like a chatty person: “Mr. Xu, you seemed quite an expert last time when you taught me how to deal with criminals. Can I ask you another question?”


“If a drunkard comes to harass me at midnight, should I use the same method to deal with it?”


Xu Huaisong didn’t make a sound, but a sudden wind was gusting outside and the windows and doors were beginning to rattle.

Ruan Yu couldn’t hear anything from the other side and asked: “Are you listening, Mr. Xu?”

Xu Huaisong lightly coughed: “Bad connection. Say that again.”

Ruan Yu finally found the file. She switched off the ceiling light and dashed back to the bedroom. She replied only after she was back under the blanket again: “Uh, it’s alright now.” She sat with legs crossed and turned to the page mentioned in the email: “Let’s begin.”

The pouring rain outside quickly lightened and stopped not long afterwards. There were only beads of water along the window frame that occasionally dripped down.

Ruan Yu had a lot of memories about the scenery right after a heavy rain from her three years of high school.

The railings on the platform on the sports field, the window sills of the hallways in the teaching building, and the flagpole on the flag platform all had water beads hanging on them, but refused to drop.

Ruan Yu didn’t like rain, but liked to watch the scenery right after the rain stopped.

She remembered that she had written something in her diary at the time-- --The pure and dazzling vibe around you has made all the rainy seasons in my teenage years sunny and bright.

At the time, in her eyes, Xu Huaisong was just like her most favorite moment right after a downpour.

“What are you doing?” She suddenly heard Xu Huaisong’s voice, probably because he had discovered that she wasn’t listening to what he was saying.

Ruan Yu was pulled back from her memories. She said in a low voice: “I was looking…… The rain stopped.”


Ruan Yu didn’t put on her earphones but spoke with the speaker.

His voice seemed particularly clear in the quiet bedroom.

Xu Huaisong said: “The third paragraph.”

Ruan Yu said: “This paragraph is just some background information?”


“I think there’s no need to explain the setup here. Doesn’t every high school have a strict dean of student affairs? Weren’t you……”

“What about me?”

“I mean…… Didn’t your school have one?”

“I don’t remember.”


Translated by Team DHH at

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