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Thursday, September 2, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 18 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 18 Part 1

Early morning the next day, Ruan Yu was awoken by a ringing doorbell. She struggled for a while before getting up. She put on a jacket over her pajamas and walked to the door while yawning. She was startled to see who was outside the door through the peephole and was now wide awake.

It was the police officer who had come over last time, Fang Zhen. 

Ruan Yu hurriedly opened the door.

The police officer looked quite serious and acted prudently. He followed proper procedure as he asked her, though he obviously remembered her: “Is this Ruan Yu, Miss Ruan?”

Ruan Yu nodded: “It’s me. Is something the matter, Officer Fang?”

Fang Zhen took out some papers and a notebook while saying: “I came to make an inquiry. Miss Ruan, have you been harassed by a drunkard early this morning between two to three am?”

A drunkard? Harassed?

Ruan Yu shook her head: “No.”

“Have you heard anything unusual?”

“No.” She was on Weibo at that hour.

“Thanks for your cooperation.” Fang Zhen nodded and was ready to leave. Before he left, he added: “Make sure you lock your door and windows at night. Be careful of theft.”

“Anything happen in our residential area?”

“According to some of the residents, early this morning several apartments seemed to have been harassed by the same drunkard. In addition, all these apartments shared one common feature.”

Ruan Yu blinked: “What feature?”

Fang Zhen used the pen in his hand to point at above her head: “All the apartment numbers are 302.”

What twisted behavior was that? Or was it because there was something magical about this number?

Officer Fang left after giving Ruan Yu that information. Ruan Yu was left to feel frightened by herself. This time, it wasn’t her imagination at work. There truly was an unlawful person in her neighborhood.

How could she, a single female, sleep tight at night now after she learned about the incident?

She heard that all the residents living in the 302 apartments around this area had been harassed except her.

Ruan Yu took out her cell phone and called Shen Mingying to ask her whether she was at home by herself. Shen Mingying replied:  “My boyfriend’s here. What’s wrong?”

She didn’t want to be the third wheel and told Shen Mingying that nothing was wrong. That night, Ruan Yu locked all the doors and windows but still felt uneasy. She laid on the bed twisting and turning, half sleeping half dreaming, until after midnight.

Fifteen minutes after midnight, she heard a loud boom of thunder and the pattering of rain that was pouring outside the window.

It was even harder for Ruan Yu to fall asleep now. She started to check Weibo again and updated with a new post: [In the dead of night, I’m listening to the wind and rain in bed. The drunkard had better not come to surprise us. (praying)]

Afterwards, she looked at several comical videos to distract her attention. When she was about to lock the phone, she suddenly got a new email.

It was from Xu Huaisong.

She clicked open the email and found an attachment in it. There were some new suggestions to the comparison columns in the file.

Anyone who was still working hard at this hour truly was the elite of this city.

Out of her respect for an elite and sympathy for people who couldn’t sleep like her, her resistance to Xu Huaisong seemed to drastically diminish. She clicked open the chat on WeChat and thanked him: [Mr. Xu, I’ve received the email. Thanks for working on my case at this hour.]

Xu Huaisong quickly replied: [Just happen to be working.]

Ruan Yu carefully tried to figure out what he meant.

Ruan Yu figured that it was only 9:30 am in San Francisco now so either he was still under the influence of jet lag or he was actually working remotely.

Therefore, to him, it wasn’t much trouble for him to work at this hour.

Ruan Yu then said: [If you have time now, can we talk about the case?]

Xu Huaisong: [It’s not convenient to video chat, let’s voice chat.]

It suited Ruan Yu just fine.

Translated by Team DHH at

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhhhh xhs you pitiful lovesick puppy hahaha
    Thank you dhh team~~~~ happy weekends~~~
