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Monday, September 20, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 184 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 184 Part 1

After being attacked by Tong Yao, TAT’s mid only had a sliver of health left and chose to go back.

Commentator D: [We can tell that Smiling’s quite aggressive today. It looks like she truly wants to kill Azir-- --She cast her abilities so fast just now. It’s the kind of Leblanc play you can only see in a world competition.]

Commentator F laughed out loud: [Too bad the damage was still a little off. With the infernal drake buff and ignite, under normal circumstances, Smiling should’ve been able to deal enough damage with the items she has now. It looks like Thei’s ruby crystal gave him the extra health to barely survive-- --In any case, Smiling failed to kill the opponent and used her own flash in the attempt….. Though she did send Azir home, her teammates came to give support very quickly-- --It looks like they don’t plan to hand over the mid turret this early in the game.]

Commentator F was quite right. With Smiling back at base, ZGDX’s AD, which had just respawned, came straight to the mid lane leaving only the support at the bot. At the same time, the jungler also arrived at mid-- --

Commentator D continued: [The trouble now is that Smiling has used her flash and for the next four and half minutes, ZGDX won’t have a chance to initiate a team fight to kill the other side’s back row-- --At a moment like this, with TAT’s top, Kennen, already has his ultimate, ZGDX needs to be really careful not to let the other side initiate a fight……]

Commentator F: [But their opponent is TAT. The reason TAT seldom loses is because they can always seize any of their opponents’ mistakes and exploits any opportunity with deadly force…… ZGDX must watch out.]

The commentators were saying exactly what the five players of ZGDX were thinking.

Tong Yao: “Everyone, watch out. If the other side starts a team fight now and gets even a kill with no loss, I’ll be the one who takes the blame-- --Then I’ll announce to the whole world right after this round that my captain told me to attack Ah Tai to boost our morale. I have to listen to the captain's command.”

Everyone: “......”

Lu Sicheng smirked: “Your captain didn’t tell you to attack then turn around to run away with flash. You ran even faster than the western reporters.”

Tong Yao: “I would be dead if I didn’t use flash.”

Lu Sicheng: “Then, you’re really good at it.”

Tong Yao earnestly nodded. She spoke while taking her time fighting for the blue buff: “That’s right. From the summer competition finals to S6, you know what I have learned-- --When it’s time to run, run, don’t hesitate. It’s only a possibility in the future that they’ll initiate a team fight, but it’ll be an irreversible fact if I get killed.”

“......What you’ve learned isn’t running away.” Lu Sicheng flatly said: “It’s more like weaseling? …...Let’s separate and farm for 4 minutes. Why gather at mid to wait for a team fight?”

Lu Sicheng made a lot of sense and the rest of the team all went back to their own lanes to farm-- --Tong Yao moved her lips but before she could say anything, trouble occurred!

TAT was a team which would never give up any chance to get a kill. Even their support would chase the enemy and attack the enemy's top. As Tong Yao was without both of her summoner skills at the moment, it was impossible for them to let the chance slip away-- --

TAT’s Kennen, who already had his ultimate, teleported to bot. He worked with the team’s AD in a pincer attack from the front and back at the same time. Little Fatty’s Tahm used his shield to try and fight with Kennen for a while so he might be able to at least take down one of them. What Little Fatty didn’t expect was for the other side’s Gragas to suddenly burst out of the river bank and use his E ability immediately after a flash to blow Little Fatty out of the range of the turret, killing Little Fatty!

TAT got the first kill this round!

After the kill, Gragas turned around to find Tong Yao working with Old K to steal TAT’s red buff. He pinged mid and left-- --At this time, Lu Sicheng’s Caitlyn, only at half health, was facing the other side’s Ezreal and Kennen at bot. Caitlyn had already used her heal!

Commentator F: [We can see that the ambush at bot was quite effective. Facing Kennen and Ezreal, Chessman’s obviously doomed and it’s possible that he’ll lose the turret to TAT as well…… Oh, wait a minute!]

TAT’s AD thought he had his chance to get even with Lu Sicheng now and went across the turret into minion wave without giving it much thought. Lu Sicheng played cat and mouse with him under the turret. The moment the AD entered the turret, he stepped on Caitlyn’s trap, then was hit by Caitlyn and the turret. Lu Sicheng was able to kill him instead!

Commentator D: [Chessman! !  ! ! Chessman’s going to create a miracle again! ! ! ! ]

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Thanks for the update. I really hope they win else Smilling will have to take the fall.

  2. Break a leg, ZGDX! Tong Yao, Jiayou 💪💪💪

  3. Aiyooo xiao jiejie HAHAHAHA go ZGDX!!! Thank you for the update~💕🥰🙏🏻
