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Thursday, August 5, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 15 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 15 Part 3

Li Shican was straightforward on the phone: “Xuejie, actually I came to apologize to you. Cen Sisi was the daughter of a business friend of my father. She chose to go to Hang University basically because of me. She had developed a crush on me since her high school days. It was my fault that I didn’t handle it well.”

Ruan Yu fully understood everything now just from those few sentences.
So, Cen Sisi hated Ruan Yu because she saw Ruan Yu as her “rival in love”? Then the initial of Cen Sisi’s pen name was also out of her love for Li Shican?

Ruan Yu still had other questions: “But how would she know of my pen name? And you?”
Li Shican coughed and sounded a little diffident: “Do you remember when I was a freshman and I helped fix your computer once……”

There were always clues that could be found on a computer. Besides, Ruan Yu had just started writing at the time and hadn’t taken any precautions.

Li Shican continued: “As for her…… I have an alternate id on Weibo which only follows your work Weibo account. She probably found out about it somehow at the time, like a recon plane. But I only found out about it a few days ago, otherwise I would have taken care of her long ago.”
Ruan Yu heard the two words “taken care” and became very sensitive: “So it was your public relation team that did those things on Weibo in the past couple of days?”

Li Shican was quiet for a moment then said: “Not exactly.”
“Not exactly?”

Then who else was behind it?

Li Shican didn’t give a straight answer but rather said ambiguously: “Anyway, I’ve caused all this trouble for you and I’ll take care of them. Now the slander is under control, you just focus on your lawsuit. I’ll handle the rest.”

Ruan Yu took a breath and was about to speak. Li Shican seemed to know what she was going to say and said: “I know. I’ll observe proper restraint as long as she doesn’t continue, then the whole thing will stop right here.”


No matter what Cen Sisi had in mind originally, the pressure being put on her by the lawyers, the court, and Li Shican’s public relations team, Ruan Yu wasn’t under attack anymore.

Three days later, the whole incident quieted down. Ruan Yu was able to go back to her normal daily routine. There were people who posted friendly encouragement to her on Weibo, hoping she could continue <Really Want to Whisper in Your Ear>.

She had stopped posting the story the day after she was accused of plagiarizing. Now her name had been cleared and many readers now regretted not being able to read the whole story.
Ruan Yu, however, hesitated.

After knowing the real reason behind Cen Sisi’s motive, Ruan Yu had gotten over being bullied on the internet. The problem now for her was that she hadn’t built up enough courage to continue the story right under the scrutiny of the male lead of the story.

She didn’t have any further contact with the male lead since the mishap the other day. To be more exact, it was that she hadn’t received a reply from him in response to her apology. On the WeChat dialogue box, only her messages from her were visible.
She had sent three messages, one each day.

The first day: [Mr. Xu, I’m really sorry for what happened today, making you worry over nothing.]
The second day: [Mr. Xu, do you have time now to talk about the case?]
The third day: [Mr. Xu, I’ve sent the revised comparison chart to your email. Please take a look when you have time.]

Today was the fourth day.

Ruan Yu sighed. She couldn’t really blame Xu Huaisong for not responding. Anyone who got fooled like that wouldn’t be happy about it. Besides, he was a busy person to begin with.
On the fourth day, she persistently sent out the fourth message: [Mr. Xu, have you seen the file I sent you? When can I go over it with you?]

Unexpectedly, she received a reply from him: [Ten minutes later.]
Soft Jade: [Then I’ll go turn on my computer.]
Xu Huaisong: [No need, go downstairs.]

Downstairs? He was back in the country?

Ruan Yu typed: [Hrm?]
Xu Huaisong: [Ten minutes later, downstairs of your apartment.]

Translated by Team DHH at

1 comment:

  1. Vinegar drowned him and made him fly hahaaaa thank you team~~~~
