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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 15 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 15 Part 2

Ruan Yu came back from the kitchen with water. Seeing Li Shican still standing there, she handed the glass of water over and said: “Sorry, I don’t have men’s slippers here. Just come right in.”
“You still don’t have a boyfriend?” Li Shican mumbled.

He spoke as if they were quite familiar with each other, like they had just seen each other yesterday.
Ruan Yu avoided his question, but asked him to come to the living room. To dispel the awkwardness between them, Ruan Yu changed the topic: “Is the van downstairs yours?”

Li Shican gulped the ice water and nodded: “Does it look shabby? Hai City was raining and it got muddy on the way here.”

No wonder. Ruan Yu held her forehead, then suddenly she felt like something was missing.
At the same time, a notification sound came from her computer on the coffee table-- --Someone was requesting a video call through WeChat.

Now she remembered, it was Xu Huaisong.
She had forgotten about Xu Huaisong.

She had no time to bother with Li Shican and hurriedly answered the video call. The moment the screen lit up, she rushed to say before Xu Huaisong had any chance to open his mouth: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Mr. Xu…… I forgot to let you know that I’m alright!” 

The anxiousness in Xu Huaisong’s eyes disappeared instantly. He calmed down right away. He met Li Shican’s eyes who was standing behind Ruan Yu.
The moment the two pairs of eyes met, it was frosty across the screens.

Li Shican relaxed first; he shook the water glass in his hand at the person on the screen and nodded to greet: “How are you?”
Ice cubes hit the walls of the glass with a rattling sound. The sound seemed especially irritating at the moment.

Xu Huaisong didn’t say anything but slightly nodded at Li Shican. Then he glanced over at Ruan Yu to reply to her: “No need to let me know that you’re alright. Tell that to the police.” He then hung up the video right afterwards.

Rung Yu looked dumbfoundedly at the suddenly dark computer screen.
Li Shican was also confused. He came closer and asked: “What police?”

After he had said so, the doorbell rang again.
Ruan Yu understood now. She ran over to open the door. There were two uniformed policemen standing at the door. One of them even carried a gun with him.

Even though there was a police station right in front of her residential community, it was still amazing how fast they got here.

The one with the gun said first: “Is this Ruan Yu, Ms. Ruan?”
Ruan Yu nodded: “Yes, I am.”
“We’ve received a report……”

“I’m sorry, comrade policeman.” Ruan Yu tried to avoid the embarrassment of letting Li Shican hear what had happened earlier and hastily interrupted the policeman: “My friend misunderstood me and reported it to the police by mistake. I’m alright here……” 

But she couldn’t cover it up.

Li Shican walked over and happened to receive a call just as he was about to say something. The call was from his driver who was yelling over the phone: “Can Ge, I’m being detained by the police down here! Come save me, quick!”


Ruan Yu and Li Shican was brought over to the police station right across from the residential community.

It wasn’t necessary for them to go to the police station as long as they could explain everything to the police. But, Li Shican didn’t have his ID card with him and the policeman with the gun insisted on playing it by the book. He refused to give him any special treatment even though he was a star and was adamant that they had to go to the police station to make a statement. He even contacted the person who called the police to make sure.

It was the first time Ruan Yu had encountered such a thing. She was exhausted when she walked out of the police station after they had closed the case. She thought to herself that she wouldn’t let her imagination go wild again.

It was close to noon when they left the police station. Li Shican, due to prior engagements, was supposed to stay at Hang City for only two hours before heading back to Hai City. Now he had spent all this time at the police station and had to leave in a hurry. 

However, as soon as Ruan Yu got home, she received a call from him.

Translated by Team DHH at

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