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Monday, August 16, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 178 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 178 Part 1

It was three minutes into the match and Tong Yao had been constantly poking[1] Jin Yuguang because she wanted to kill him-- --In the beginning, her aggressive tactic worked, causing Jin Yuguang to miss several minions from her constant harassment. Even the commentators were crying out “crazy”......

On the ZGDX chat channel, Lu Sicheng gave a command in a rather calm voice: “Little Fatty, go back and pull down the minion lane, don’t push it, really don’t push it. If you push the minion lane over, their jungler will come-- --”

Old Cat: “Their jungler is hiding in my bush at top. This time it’s the feline’s sixth sense. And, Old K, you come over, I’m afraid.”

Lu Sicheng calmly changed his command: “Stop, Little Fatty……………………. If you push the minion lane over, their top would teleport down here.”

Old Cat immediately said: “Push it, hurry. If their top’s out of here, I can happily and freely play by myself.”

Little Fatty, fed up with the nagging, went directly into the bush: “I’m going back. You two take your time and keep at it.”

Old Cat, Lu Sicheng: “......”

There was no Little Fatty around to push around. Lu Sicheng changed his target to mid: “Someone go to mid and drag that mad dog back. Pushing the minion lane so deep, do you have a deathwish? It’s impossible for OP to let you harass Jin Yuguang like this without interfering…… Your blue is almost empty and you still-- --”

Before he could finish what he wanted to say, he saw the other side’s jungler jump out from the river on the top lane, exactly like that “feline’s sixth sense” had predicted. Tong Yao reacted quickly, the moment Kindred’s head popped out of the bush, she used flash to back away-- --But Jin Yuguang also reacted quickly. He followed after with a flash and nailed Tong Yao with a time bomb, stunning her. By the time the stun ended, Tong Yao’s health was almost gone!

Tong Yao hid under the turret. A wave of OP minions began advancing and Jin Yuguang followed the minions under the turret. He didn’t do anything until he was within striking distance and then used a combo of abilities to kill the weak Tong Yao-- --

First blood!

Tong Yao threw her mouse, murmuring “shoot”. She saw the image of Ai Jia in Jin Yuguang-- --A player who was good at defense and counterattacks.

Before the summer competition, Tong Yao was incapable of countering this type of player. During the summer competition, she had learned how to deal with it through tears and sweat. She learned to brace herself to play safe while going against this type of player……

After dying, Tong Yao lost her creep score lead as Jin Yuguang caught back up. The small advantage she enjoyed at mid earlier with her aggressiveness had evaporated…… Or, it could be that her advantage didn’t exist to begin with. It was all Jin Yuguang’s strategy!

“I’ve said that the other side wouldn’t let you pester a strong carry like Jin Yuguang without interfering.” The lazy voice of Lu Sicheng came over the headphones: “You won’t listen to me. See, now you’re dead.”

-- --The tone of his voice was like he was teaching his child: I told you the road isn’t flat and you had to go jump there. See, now you fell down.

The relaxed tone of Lu Sicheng’s voice made Tong Yao calm down. She steadied her nerve and touched her chin: “I won’t push it, won’t push it. I’ll be good, and develop more-- --”

Before she could finish, the other side’s jungler came to challenge her again!

With a quick reaction and some health, Tong Yao used the ball to push him away and rooted him as she pulled back. She barely survived-- --Though she had missed some minions, she was still alive. Fortunately, Zilean’s and Kindred’s ultimates weren’t too damaging, otherwise she would have died again!

“This damn jungler! Why is he targeting me all the time!”

“You’ve just used flash. Who else would he target if not you. OP has a lot of different tactics but their core strategy is: mid and jungler work as a team.” Lu Sicheng calmly said: “Just keep laying low, don’t be indignant.”

[1]: Poking is when players will use long ranged abilities or attacks to hit enemy champions, but not commit to a full fight. This is used to harass or weaken an enemy so that they’ll be easier to kill (or will retreat from being at low health).

Translated by Team DHH at