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Friday, August 27, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 180 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 180 Part 1

[At this moment, I just want to stand up and sing the national anthem: the Chinese nation is at its most perilous moment……]

[To all the dads, hang in there. QAQ!]

[Ah, ah, I’ve gotten some insider information that Smiling will be switched back in. This round of rotation is a bit too much…… I feel Tong Yao isn’t as good as Lu Yue, at least Lu Yue didn’t get killed…… Sigh, if it isn’t OP, ZGDX could beat any other team. So annoying. What a pity.]

[They can switch to anyone they like, no one can defeat Jin Yuguang, hahahahahahaha. The other two lanes for both teams are about the same, ZGDX was even better than OP at bot. But what’s the use? In the early game, both mid and top couldn’t do anything. It was like a slow death, they couldn’t even hang in there till Lu Sicheng took over the game before the game was over…….]

[The one above who said Smiling isn’t as good as Lu is really wasting electricity watching the match. Do you think it’s a good play as long as the player didn't die? Can’t you tell that Jin Yuguang used a totally different strategy in the second round than the first? Actually, the second round was a goner much earlier than in the first round. From the 14th minute onward, ZGDX’s mid was stuck at mid and Jin Yuguang had the freedom to go wherever he wanted. OP had complete domination of the jungle, able to see anyone that entered. At that moment, ZGDX had already lost the match…… To tell the truth, if ZGDX can’t find a way to break Jin Yuguang’s domination, they can only wait for a 3 : 0. If it wasn’t for the fact that Lu Sicheng had fought hard in those team fights, this best of 5 match probably would’ve finished in one hour!]


The fans of the LPL region feared that ZGDX would be eliminated from the quarter-finals with a 3 : 0. The crucial third round started amidst their discussion-- --

Tong Yao was back in the line-up as some of the fans had said for the third round…… When the players walked up to the stage, Tong Yao followed Lu Sicheng while moving her wrist around. The commentators began teasing about her presence-- --

Commentator D: [Now the players are back on the stage. We can see the four players of ZGDX…… Uh Oh, hei, ZGDX, where’s your mid?]

The audience immediately got the punchline and burst out laughing.

Commentator E: [.........]

Commentator F: [Gagagagagagagagagagagaga! We can see Smiling who’s walking behind Chessman poke her head out and give a stare at the commentators table. Gagagagagaga, relax, young lady, it’s just a joke. I dream of finding a girlfriend who can hide behind me because then I can feel as strong as Superman-- --Uh, uh, uh, I think she probably knows what I’m saying because I see her laughing.]

Commentator E: [Don’t be rude. I’ve heard that the Chinese start learning English when they’re 8.]

Commentator F: [To connect to the international world.]

Commentator D: [Uh, uh, uh, the latest information I’ve received shows that Smiling had studied in England before…… Thanks to the people backstage for reminding me. In that case, alright, I’m wrong, sorry. It’s really an irritating feeling to have someone who can understand what I’m saying but I don’t know what they’re saying-- --]

The players sat down at their seats. OP had already won the first two rounds and looked quite relaxed. As for ZGDX……

They were in good spirits too, chatting and laughing.

The screens of the streams back home were covered with comments like “optimistic” “tens of millions has already received for throwing the match, they can’t even pretend to have a sad expression at this point”-- --

Inside the chat channel, Tong Yao happened to sneeze. She lifted her hand to rub her nose and took a look at the camera which was aimed at them not too far away: “Teammates, manage your expressions. Back home they’re probably dissing us as an optimistic Daigou[1] team.”

Little Fatty: “No, they aren’t. Did you see that I missed a hook when I flashed in the last round? You know, just now during the break, someone asked me on Weibo whether I was trying to throw the match, otherwise how could I be so bad.”

Everyone: “......”

Little Fatty: “I told him that I’m still going to take Thresh this round to prove that I’m really bad, not because I’m trying to throw the match.”

Everyone: “......”

[1]: 代购 (dàigòu), is a Chinese word to describe people who buy things from overseas for people back in China (or back to your home country generally).

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Huhu so short 😭😭 thank you for the translations!

  2. Thanks for the update. I really hope they win. First time commenting though

  3. So short! I need the next chapter ASAP!

  4. Thanks a lot for translating. Hope they win.

  5. Thank you very much for your hard work :)

  6. Little Fatty is cute, but sometimes he deserves a beating 😂
