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Thursday, July 15, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 13 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 13 Part 3

Ruan Yu didn’t join Shen Mingying. She was still going over Weibo posts, immersing herself in a world of verbal abuse. She got so irritated that she copied down several profile names onto a small notebook and then asked in the chat group: [Mr. Xu, can I add a few more names?]
Xu Huaisong: [It’s up to you.]

Ruan Yu’s fighting spirit soared after receiving an affirmative answer. She continued focusing on picking out those trolls.

From Shen Mingying’s cell phone, Li Shican’s voice could be heard again: “Dial the number of the 7th person on the contact list of my cell phone, tell the person ‘I’ll see you at the usual place in the morning the day after tomorrow’? Woa, that’s tough……”

“It’s not easy to be a star!” Shen Mingying sighed like a mother. Shortly after her words, Ruan Yu’s cell phone started to ring.
The soft sound of the piano piece from her cell phone exactly matched the ringtone which could be heard on the stream.

Shen Mingying was stunned. Before she had fully understood what was going on, Ruan Yu had picked up the call: “Hello, how are you.”
In the stream, everyone heard “Hello, how are you” as well.

Shen Mingying jumped up with a start.

Ruan Yu had picked up the call simply because it was a Hang City number, though she didn’t recognize the number on the screen. Now she seemed to realize what had happened. She stiffly turned her head to look at Shen Mingying and mouthed: Me?
Shen Mingying nodded with a shocking look on her face. She hurriedly plugged the earphones into her phone.

Ruan Yu was dumbfounded for five seconds, then was called back to her senses by the voice in the phone: “Is this Xuejie? I’m Shican.”
Ruan Yu steadied herself then said: “It’s me……”
Li Shican seemed to have smiled: “Don’t be nervous. I’m bored so I’m just calling to see how you’ve been.”

How could Ruan Yu not be nervous, there were more than a hundred thousand people listening to the call?

Ruan Yu looked straight at Shen Mingying and her palms were all sweaty. She replied: “How have I been? I’m doing pretty good.”
“Are you still living in the same place?”

Ruan Yu had overheard some of the conversation in the stream and guessed that Li Shican was trying to lead the direction of the phone call. In order to end the call sooner, she said: “Yes.”
“I would like to meet you to talk about the old days. Can we meet at the usual place in the morning of the day after tomorrow?”

Ruan Yu was quiet for a moment, then she decided to work with him to play the game since there were so many people listening: “Alright……”
“Then, I’ll see you. Bye.”
“Bye bye.”

Ruan Yu hung up the phone. Shen Mingying screamed in surprise: “What’s this? Wasn’t he the one who blocked you at the time, how does he still have your number?”
Ruan Yu had calmed down somewhat and said: “You’ve asked me, whom do I ask for the answer?”

Shen Mingying continued to watch the stream.

The bullet comments had covered the whole screen.
[Whoa, it’s a girl with such a nice voice!]
[Cancan, you can’t go meet her in the usual place!]
[Who made the request, come out!]

Shen Mingying had goosebumps on her arms from all the fangirl chatter. Then she saw Li Shican start laughing on the screen and said: “ You just know how to make trouble for me. Later, after the stream’s over, remind me to apologize to her. Otherwise, it’ll be too rude if I stand her up.”

“Tsk, he really knows how to talk.”
With just a few sentences, he had shown to his fans in a roundabout way that he wouldn’t be going to meet her, making those hundred thousand fans happy.

“Why didn’t he talk you into being with him back then?” Shen Mingying commented, then she noticed that Ruan Yu’s eyebrows were deeply knotted while clutching her cell phone in hand. Shen Mingying didn’t know what she was looking at: “What’s wrong with you? Still looking at what those trolls wrote? Don’t go looking for pain, alright?”

Ruan Yu shook her head to indicate that she wasn’t looking at those hurtful comments. She said: “I’m looking at Li Shican’s main page.” She frowned even more after saying so: “SC, these initials look really familiar. Where have I seen it before?”

Shen Mingying blinked confusedly: “SC? Hey, isn’t that Su Cheng?”
Ruan Yu abruptly looked up.

Shican is SC, Su Cheng is also SC?

Translated by Team DHH at

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