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Thursday, July 8, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 13 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 13 Part 1

Ruan Yu found Cen Sisi’s logic rather odd. If the truth was revealed, then wouldn’t Cen Sisi reveal her own malicious schemes as well?
However, there was still a possibility that she would do that. She remembered the phone call Xu Huaisong had just received. He seemed to mention a retaliative incident aimed at the plaintiff by the defendant.
When faced with the mounting risk of losing the lawsuit, the defendant might incline to adopt desperate measures.

She started to search online for the name she had heard Xu Huaisong saying, “SG.”

The latest news that she could find was about the trial in court not too long ago. She didn’t find too much information about the defendant of that case, but noticed another name in the report: Hanson.
It was Xu Huaisong’s English name.

That name sidetracked her. She changed to search for his name instead. She found an article in English which was an interview. The article talked about the history between Xu Huaisong and SG.

It said that SG had been sued by a competitor for copyright infringement three years ago. The company’s stock tumbled because of the scandal and the company was facing a financial crisis.

Xu Huaisong’s father, who was a prestigious lawyer in California, was the defendant’s attorney. But two days before the case was brought to court, his father suffered a stroke. He was resuscitated, but diagnosed with “cerebral vascular dementia.”

To replace the attorney right before the court day would be like changing the general in the middle of a battle. SG would be completely crushed if they lost the case because of it. It was also implausible to delay the court date since their stock would continue to drop and the company wouldn’t survive as long as the case wasn’t resolved.

There were only two days left until the court date. The company’s board of directors were anxious and sent representatives to the hospital to consult with doctors about the possibility of Xu’s father recovering in a short period of time.
The answer was that it was certainly impossible.

In the end, Xu Huaisong stepped forward-- --At the time he had just finished the LLM program and passed the California Bar Examination to become a lawyer not too long ago.

Since he had been assisting his father in his cases, he had knowledge about the case from the beginning. SG eventually decided to take the chance and had him replace his father as their attorney.
No one had high hopes about the result of the case.
Though the case was complicated, Xu Huaisong successfully had the judge issue a judgement at the court session.
SG won the case and was back on its feet.

Ruan Yu slowly scrolled through the page till the last sentence of the article: That’s an incredible legend.
It might be talking about Xu Huaisong, or SG.

However all Ruan Yu could think of was, what happened to Xu’s father?


The next day, a dozen days after the incident, Jinjiang’s Reporting center had made a ruling regarding the plagiarism incident. They concluded that <Really Want to Whisper in Your Ear> had less than a 10% similarity to <Her Eyes Can Smile> and therefore didn’t constitute plagiarizing the latter.

Ruan Yu forwarded the news to the chat group to let Liu Mao and Xu Huaisong know about it.
Liu Mao replied instantly to say that with Jinjiang’s conclusion, the odds of winning the case and the amount of compensation would be even more in their favor.

However, there was bound to be a downside to good news like this. Ruan Yu typed: [But, they’re probably going to troll again on the forums and Weibo.]

Fifteen minutes later, Zhikun Liu Mao: [They sure are.]
Soft Jade: [What have they said?]

Internet bullying could be very hurtful. Ruan Yu was concerned about the public opinion but was afraid to look.
Liu Mao sent over a few screenshots.

[If this degree of similarity doesn’t count as plagiarism, then what is?]
[I knew it would end this way all along. You expect Jinjiang to cut down its own cash cow?]
[Jinjiang certainly wouldn’t. A friend of mine who works in the entertainment business told me that Global Filming has taken a fancy to this story. It’s Global Filming, ladies, of big movie projects and big productions. They can easily dole out tens of millions of royalty fees! One doesn't have to care about one’s reputation, but not the money!]
[Agreed. Black chicken, white chicken, the one that can lay eggs is the good chicken.]

The ridicule was almost overflowing out of the screen. It hurts the eyes of the people who read them.

The last post was forwarded by Liu Mao probably by accident. He realized it wasn’t proper for Ruan Yu to see it and quickly delete the message.
The next second, Xu Huaisong, who had been quiet up till now, sent over a message: [You have nothing to do?]

He sounded a bit harsh, Ruan Yu didn't dare say anything.

Zhikun Liu Mao: [Not really……]
Xu Huaisong: [Then go write the attorney statement.]

Translated by Team DHH at