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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 9 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 9 Part 2

It looked like Xu Huaisong was in his study. The room was simply furnished, the desk and chair were all in a cold color tone. The black bookcase behind him was lined with books row after row. Several of those books were surprisingly thick.
To his right hand side, a corner of the French window was visible. It was dark outside.

Over at Ruan Yu’s place, the sun was shining high above. Over at his place, it was sinking into darkness.

After fixing her eyes on the screen for a while, her problematic neck became stiff. She turned her neck around to loosen it up and Xu Huaisong seemed to notice her movement.

Xu Huaisong suddenly looked up, the two pairs of eyes met in the air.
Ruan Yu abruptly stopped in the middle of twisting her neck, frozen in an awkward posture as if she was trying to be cute.

Whether Xu Huaisong felt the posture was cute or not, Ruan Yu didn’t know, but it really hurt.
There was a clear snapping sound coming from her neck. Ruan Yu closed her eyes from the pain. She didn’t get to see the indifferent eyes of the man on the other side of the screen flickered a little.

When Ruan Yu opened her eyes again, Xu Huaisong had already lowered his head again.

After about 15 minutes, Xu Huaisong seemed tired. He gathered up the manuscript. Ruan Yu assumed that he was planning to continue in a later time. He looked up and said to her: “Tell me your thoughts about making the comparison columns to counter the accuser.”

Ruan Yu cleared her throat, but paused while she was about to open her mouth. She looked down and found out that she had totally forgotten to bring all the necessary documents over.
What was she doing, could she be a bit more professional?

Xu Huaisong seemed to know what had happened right away. He stretched out his hand, gesturing for her to go ahead. Ruan Yu asked him to wait for a moment, then she stood up to go to her study to fetch the documents. The moment she stood up, her body stiffened on the spot as if she was struck by lightning.

Uhr…… she didn’t seem to have changed out of her Minions print pajama pants?

She slowly lowered her head to check, it was too late. She didn’t bother to turn her head to check the angle of her camera, but looked straight ahead with a straight back. Her right foot  almost tripped over her left foot but she managed to slowly turn and leave with the help of her hand holding onto the edge of the desk.

Xu Huaisong used his fist to cover his mouth, holding back laughter. About two minutes later, Ruan Yu, changed into a skirt, came back as if nothing had happened.
Xu Huaisong also resumed his nonchalant expression.

To conceal her embarrassment, Ruan Yu spoke quickly after she sat down and went directly to the topic: “A friend of mine has already made a partial counter comparison column earlier. I’ve picked a few more typical examples and think they could be used as the starting point to counter the accusations.”
Xu Huaisong nodded, letting her continue.

Ruan Yu flipped open the documents and made herself focus: “The first point is the placement of particular details. For example, the accuser mentioned the canned flower in the comparison column. Though I indeed published the description of that detail after the other author, on page 7 we can see……”

Xu Huaisong flipped to the page.

Ruan Yu pulled and fastened her hair to the back, then used the highlighter to make a circle on the sheet and lifted it up to face the camera: “At this position, I’ve done some foreshadowing, saying that the female lead likes sunflowers and lavenders. This foreshadowing is published before the other author mentions these two flowers in her story. That’s to say that the appearance of the timeline doesn’t necessarily prove anything.”

Xu Huaisong nodded, indicating that there was no problem arguing from that angle.
With his approval, Ruan Yu continued: “The second point is the setting of the plot. For example, I’ve mentioned in chapter 10, about the interactions between the male lead and some other supporting characters.”

Xu Huaisong flipped to the page again.
However, Ruan Yu hesitated. She was a little uncertain how to proceed with it since the plot was completely coming from her true experiences in the past.

Translated by Team DHH at

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