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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 11 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 11 Part 3

“If you take my position into consideration, then what about the movie production company?”
This question wasn’t in the script Xu Huaisong had planned out for her, Ruan Yu was for a moment lost for words. Then she saw a message from Xu Huaisong popped up on the screen: [Sigh.]

Ruan Yu immediately worked up a sigh.

Cen Sisi seemed to sense that Ruan Yu would be in a difficult position and started pleading: “Xuejie, I really didn’t know things would turn so ugly. At the time, I had only hired a small group of spammers to test the waters. Who knew it would get out of hand and get so popular and hit trending…… You have to help me, let them go easy on me, or I…...I’ll be destroyed……”

Xu Huaisong made a “stop here” gesture.
Ruan Yu took a glance at him and quickly replied to Cen Sisi: “Ok, I’ll help whatever I can. I’ll talk to the lawyers again.”

She hung up the phone and carefully ended the recording. Then she got closer to the screen to ask: “Will this work?”
Xu Huaisong nodded: “Give the recording to Liu Mao.”

Ruan Yu was relieved.

The core strategy of the script was actually quite simple. Xu Huaisong had told her that according to the law only the original author could make accusations of copyright infringement. Cen Sisi was in no position to file any lawsuit. The reason why she tried appeasing Ruan Yu while encouraging “Poem Writer” to file a lawsuit was to earn time for “Poem Writer” to bring her case to court first.

With that goal in mind, once Cen Sisi felt that Ruan Yu seemed to be having second thoughts about reconciliation, she would naturally spill some of the beans which she believed to be harmless in order to keep Ruan Yu from proceeding with the lawsuit.

The end result was exactly as Xu Huaisong had expected.

Ruan Yu felt so at ease now that she had gotten over her nervousness.
She wondered why she felt so invigorated afterwards. Was it because she had played a trick on someone together with a lawyer?

She got a little carried away since she was in such a good mood. She said: “Is my acting good enough for prime time dramas?”
Xu Huaisong was looking down while typing on his keyboard. He seemed to be busy with something and answered offhandedly: “Good enough to fool amateurs.”

Ruan Yu wondered if he was a professional in this regard?
As she was worried that her acting skill wasn’t good enough for him, she heard his cell phone start ringing.

Xu Huaisong didn’t turn off the video chat, but picked up the phone and answered with Chinese: “I’m at home.”
Ruan Yu couldn’t hear the voice on the other side of the phone but fragments of his answers: “We can’t rule out the possibility that it's the defendant retaliating. SG’s upper management should know very well that the defendant’s capable of using a computer to remotely control a bomb.”

Xu Huaisong sounded very calm but Ruan Yu was stunned by what she had heard.
He seemed to notice that his words had scared her. He took a look at her and picked up the phone to walk over to the window: “This is police business……”

Ruan Yu couldn’t hear the conversation clearly anymore. After Xu Huaisong came back to the computer, she couldn’t stop herself from asking: “Is there anything wrong?”
Xu Huaisong shook his head.

Ruan Yu: “Oh. Thank you for today, Mr. Xu.”
Xu Huaisong raised his eyelids. Was she trying to end the video chat right after she was done using him?

Seeing there was no response from him, Ruan Yu continued: “I was going to talk about the case more, but since it’s already so late over your place……”
A meow from nowhere interrupted her.

She stopped to look around.
It certainly wasn’t a cat over at her place.
There was no cat in her home now. She had kept one right after graduation, but the cat got sick and died. Its death had saddened her for a long time. Though she liked cats, she didn’t have the courage to keep another.

Then, the sound should be from Xu Huaisong’s side?

As she was wondering, Xu Huaisong had gotten up again, walked a few steps away, then came back with a cat in his arms.
It was a beautiful orange kitten about two or three months old.

The kitten had caught Ruan Yu’s attention.

Xu Huaisong glanced at her while stroking the kitten: “What did you just say?”
It took five seconds for Ruan Yu to take her eyes off the kitten. She swallowed: “I said that it’s getting late over there…… Is it convenient to continue discussing the case?”

Xu Huaisong nodded but sounded a little reluctant: “It’s alright.”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yo that cat better be really his. And not one he get just to woo her
