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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 10 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 10 Part 3

On her way back to her table in the dessert shop, Ruan Yu kept thinking about all the issues she had with “Su Cheng” over the past few years. She tried to connect all the disputes with the girl she was having sweets with. Before she could mentally sort through everything, she saw Cen Sisi turn to look at her. Cen Sisi fixed her eyes on Ruan Yu’s face and asked: “What’s going on with you, Xuejie? You look so serious.”

Ruan Yu gave her a wry smile. After sitting down, Ruan Yu decided to tough it out and get straight to the point: “Xuemei, do you use the pen name Su Cheng in Jinjiang?”

Cen Sisi widened her eyes in surprise: “Xuejie, are you psychic?”
Ruan Yu cleared her throat: “I’m not psychic. I’m Wenxiang.”

Cen Sisi’s jaw dropped onto the rim of the glass in front of her. She grimaced in pain and rubbed her jaw with her hand. It seemed to have been quite painful as tears came out of her eyes. It took her a while to get over the pain and said: “Xuejie, you aren’t joking with me?”
Ruan Yu was silent for a moment, then she turned on her cell phone and clicked to show her the Jinjiang web page.

Cen Sisi was dumbfounded: “The world is really small!” Then she seemed to remember all the furor on the internet caused by her: “Uhm, Xuejie, that Weibo thing before…… I, let me calm down a bit……”
She kept fanning with her hand at herself and her whole face was flushed. After a long while, she sat up straight: “Xuejie, there’s a big misunderstanding here. If I knew Wenxiang was you, I would never have posted that long comment on Weibo……”

Following Liu Mao’s instruction, Ruan Yu made sure she had full control of the direction of the dialogue: “Why?”
“It’s impossible for you to plagiarize!” She seemed to be even more outrageous than Ruan Yu’s fans. But soon she deflated like a ball: “Xuejie, have you filed a lawsuit against me?”

Ruan Yu nodded, not dodging the question like Liu Mao had told her.
Cen Sisi pursed her lips: “En, it is I who has done a bad thing to you……”

“I have no intention of escalating the whole matter. If you think it’s a misunderstanding, then we can consider reconciliation.” Ruan Yu squeezed out a somewhat pleasant smile.

“Really, Xuejie?” Cen Sisi breathed out a long breath: “That would be great. If my father found out about this, he'd scold me to death. If you’re willing to forgive me, I would make a public apology to you; I’ll make an effort to eliminate the negative impact that I’ve caused you and will never do such a stupid thing in the future…… Whatever you want me to do to make it up to you, I’ll…….”

“It’s not that big a deal.” Ruan Yu interrupted her with a smile: “However, I have no knowledge about the procedure of reconciliation, you have to talk to my lawyer. Tomorrow is Monday, do you have time?”

Cen Sisi looked like she was reluctant: “I have meetings all day tomorrow in the office. I probably can’t get away. How about the day after?”
“Then, what about the court house……”
“I can contact them to temporarily suspend the process. Don’t you worry.”

Cen Sisi nodded while twisting her fingers and lowered her head, unable to look Ruan Yu eye to eye.
It had grown quite awkward between the two. Ruan Yu exchanged WeChat and cell phone numbers with her, then made up an excuse to go home.

When she was back at her apartment, she called Liu Mao and told him the details of the conversation with Cen Sisi from beginning to end.
Liu Mao had instructed her during the call earlier to speak less and be more observant. After listening to Ruan Yu’s detailed account, Liu Mao asked: “As far as you can tell, is the defendant lying?”

Ruan Yu didn’t want to think Cen Sisi was lying. Because if she thought that way, then it was truly a fridge horror when she thought back of the past few years.
“It’s hard to tell…… All of her reactions seemed like she was trying too hard.”

“I see.” Liu Mao comforted her: “It’s alright. You’ve done quite well, just leave everything else to me…… and Mr. Xu.”
Ruan Yu suddenly was reminded of the other “battle” she was going to face tomorrow morning. She asked: “With the situation now, do I continue with the work with Mr. Xu?”

Liu Mao thought about it for a moment: “I’ll tell him about the current situation. But for the time being, let’s just continue as we’ve planned.”

Ruan Yu sighed after she ended the call. She was exhausted and went to bed early. At 8 am sharp the next morning, she was once again sinking into the fear of being dominated by Xu Huaisong. 

Translated by Team DHH at

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