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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 10 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 10 Part 1

After the video chat was over, Ruan Yu closed her laptop and felt like she had just finished an 800-meter race.

As they were ending their video chat, Xu Huaisong asked Ruan Yu how long it would take for her to prepare a file of a preliminary comparison column of the two stories based on the original column and the points she had brought up earlier.
Ruan Yu estimated that it would take three days.

The estimate actually would mean three days of intensive work for her and meant that she’d have to tough it out with her stiff neck. Ruan Yu had mentally prepared herself for it, yet Xu Huaisong seemed very busy, he wouldn’t have time to work with her until a week later.
Ruan Yu therefore gave herself a break and after finishing the work on the seventh day, she even accepted the invitation to go out with Shen Mingying.

Shen Mingying had invited Ruan Yu to go shopping with her so Ruan Yu could relax a little. She purposely didn’t mention anything about the legal issue. But she asked Ruan Yu whether she had exposed herself in front of Xu Huaisong or not.
Ruan Yu looked very distressed: “No, but we have another video chat tomorrow……”
Shen Mingying laughed so hard that her body was trembling..

They had shopped for a whole day and accumulated a number of shopping bags big and small. Before they went home in the evening, they came to their last shop, a perfume counter.

Shen Mingying was still quite energetic. She rushed over and randomly pointed two bottles for Ruan Yu to try, then she went to look for one for herself.
The saleslady came over, began introducing the particular perfume, and spread the perfume onto a fragrance blotter for Ruan Yu to smell.

It was a fruity fragrance. The smell of orange and lime was very refreshing; like the taste of the height of summer in her memory, clear and bright, yet there was a faint trace of bitterness that was brewing and would eventually come true.

When Ruan Yu first smelled it, she felt good about it. But the moment she lowered her head, she hesitated.
It wasn’t because of the fragrance, but somehow she felt a chill on her back, like someone was watching from behind her.

The saleslady misunderstood Ruan Yu’s pause as a sign that she didn’t like the smell. She turned to try another bottle.
Ruan Yu took the chance to glance behind her and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. She looked over at Shen Mingying who was eagerly trying different bottles of fragrances not far from her.

Ruan Yu forced herself to put her suspicions aside and tried a few more bottles. Yet that uncomfortable chilling feeling was getting stronger and stronger.

She waved her hand to gesture to the saleslady that she didn’t need to try any more bottles. As she was about to walk over to Shen Mingying, suddenly a female voice called out to her from behind: “Ruan Xuejie, it’s really you!”

Surprised, Ruan Yu turned her head and saw a slender, fair skinned, and petite sized girl with a LV “bento box bag” in hand waving at her.

The girl looked familiar but Ruan Yu couldn’t figure out where she recognized her from. Ruan Yu reluctantly said: “Sorry and you are?”
The girl seemed frustrated for a moment but immediately picked herself up and moved forward: “I’m Cen Sisi. Xuejie, you don’t remember me?”

Cen Sisi? Ruan Yu searched in her brain and finally recollected pieces of memories about this person after a while.

Cen Sisi seemed to be three years younger than Ruan Yu in the same major back in college. In the beginning, they met at the new student orientation. Since they were in the same department, they chatted for a while. But ever since then, they only greeted each other when they happened to cross paths. Ruan Yin didn’t remember having any other interactions with her.

Cen Sisi smiled, with her two prominent teeth showing: “It’s been so long. I was peeking at you just now and was afraid that I'd made a mistake!” She continued after a short pause: “I didn’t expect that you had also stayed at Hang City after graduation.”

Shen Mingying walked over after she had chosen her perfume. She didn’t go to the same college as Ruan Yu, though they were in the same city. She didn’t know Cen Sisi, so Ruan Yu introduced the two to each other.

The three of them were blocking the walkway and the passersby had to walk sideways to get by. Ruan Yu noticed and hurriedly made way for others.
Cen Sisi seemed to realize that this wasn’t a place to catch up and said: “Ruan Xuejie, what a coincidence meeting you here, why don’t we go to the top floor so we can sit and talk there?”

Ruan Yu glanced at Shen Mingying. They had decided to go home after picking out perfume earlier and Shen Mingying had already called her boyfriend to come pick them up. Her boyfriend probably would arrive soon.

“Then you two go ahead. I’ll go now?” Shen Mingying quickly decided: “I’ll take all your bags back to your apartment for you, it’s on the way anyway.”
Her boyfriend had a car so Ruan Yu took up the offer. Then she went up to the top floor with Cen Sisi. They found a dessert shop to sit down.

Translated by Team DHH at

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