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Friday, June 18, 2021

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 167 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 167 Part 1

October 3rd, 9:30 pm US time, the first round of S6’s group matches concluded after ZGDX finished and deferred Tank from the North America region, in only 35 minutes.

During this match, Tong Yao played Leblanc and earned 15 kills, 0 death, and 3 assists. She had moved up from being the “first Leblanc on the Chinese server” to the “first Leblanc of the world.” Even commentator F who hadn’t thought too highly of the China region sighed with admiration after the match-- --

[During the second round of the group matches, there might not be any team that’ll willingly let Smiling have Leblanc again.]

ZGDX and their female mid won overnight fame from the first round of group matches!

On foreign websites, comics appeared depicting Tong Yao thrashing the other 17 mids from other teams. The comics were in various forms and basically showed her high up in a leading position-- --

It was awesome in capital letters!

Female games back in China could now hold their heads high. Whenever there were male players who said “she thought she was somebody just because she beat a bunch of noob teams,” the female players could confidently say “you’re just jealous.” Then they would haughtily turn their heads and walk away-- --

Starting from the day the group match began, the number of Tong Yao’s fans on Weibo had increased three fold over three days. Many of them were female fans and her popularity among female fans was beginning to gain on her boyfriend, Lu Sicheng.

Perhaps Lu Sicheng was shocked by the phenomenon or he liked showing off to begin with. The night after the first round of group matches ended, he also did something that shocked his fans-- --During the interview with foreign media, Lu Sicheng showed that he not only had a good looking face, but was also well educated. He didn’t use a translator throughout the whole interview and interacted with the foreign reporters in fluent English.

His pronunciation was quite accurate and he had no problem conveying his ideas precisely. The only imperfection to the Americans was that Lu Sicheng was speaking British English, with a little bit of a London accent.

-- --About an hour later, the video of Lu Sicheng’s interview quickly became the headlines of various media, replacing the news about Tong Yao’s excellent performance during the match against Tank.

The headlines were quite uniform-- --

[Hubris! ZGDX’s captain boasted during the interview with foreign media: ZGDX will again be undefeated in the second round of group matches! Not intimidated by the Korean teams, the ultimate goal is the championship!]


The second round would begin October 13.

The standings after the first round for the teams from the China region was: ZGDX was first in its group with an undefeated record; CK lost to the Taiwanese team but beat the Koreans, OP; CK was tied with OP in points but since CK had defeated OP, CK was placed first in their group; YQCB also had two wins and one loss and was second in their group.

Overall, the Chinese teams had performed well enough that both CK and YQCB managed to schedule a lot more skirmishes with other teams. The most disheartening defeat for the China region in the group matches was delivered by a Korean team which made the LPL players feel relieved but also helpless-- --

They felt relieved because it seemed that there wasn’t much of a problem for LPL teams to defeat teams from other regions, except the Korean region. The imaginary scenario that LPL teams would be thrashed by foreign teams didn’t happen. Actually, they had discovered that, after they were out of the country, there were a lot of noob teams as well. The only difference from the league back home was that there were a greater variety of noob teams.

They felt helpless because they still had difficulty defeating Korean teams and it was a difficult obstacle to overcome. It was like someone had placed three weasels inside the chicken coop and the 15 chickens inside were just staring at each other……

Little Fatty: “Especially that TAT, the king of the weasels-- --They’re too strong. Not only were they undefeated in their group, no other team has even seen what their inhibitor looks like…… The team next door hung in there for 40 minutes and was only able to take down 5 or 6 of TAT’s outer turrets before giving the GG.”

Little Fatty made his comment as ZGDX was riding on the bus on their way back to the hotel-- --There was a ten-day break from between now and the start of the second round. Xiao Rui was kind enough to give everyone a break and didn’t arrange any skirmishes for them tonight. The players planned to use one or two days during the break to tour around……

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Thank you. Very proud for our girl) fighting!

  2. Thank you for the update. Go Esports Mulan!

  3. LSC is never letting TY be in news ever, just so no one ever takes TY name along with other players!! Haha, let's see what other tricks he's gonna pull up. 😂 😂
