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Thursday, May 27, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 9 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 9 Part 1

Ruan Yu almost lost her grip on the cell phone. She hesitatingly typed: [May I ask, is it necessary to video chat about this case?]
Her heart sank. Last night she was thinking how nice it was that they didn’t have to talk face to face, but now it turned out to just be wishful thinking.

Ruan Yu looked down to check her pajamas and quickly replied: [Sorry, it’s not that convenient for me right now.]
[How long?]

His question was concise but forceful. It was hard to discern his precise tone of voice while communicating through text. Ruan Yu even had the feeling that he seemed to have lost his patience.
She was late for the appointment by an hour and reluctant to video chat with him. She figured that she had been acting a little unreasonable and made the promise: “In ten minutes.”

There was no response from Xu Haisong. It took some time before Ruan Yu realized that perhaps he had already started counting?

Ruan Yu quickly put down her cell phone and took off the top of her pajamas. She randomly grabbed a chiffon shirt with ruffle sleeves to put on. Then she found the shirt was a little transparent. She took the shirt off and put on a camisole before dressing again.
There was no time for her to change out of her pajama pants. She thought she could ignore her bottom half since it couldn’t be seen in the video chat. She turned to rush to her dresser.
In the mirror, she looked utterly miserable from being exhausted for the past few days.

It wouldn’t do.
People always say that one should always show her best side in front of her boyfriend. “Ex-male idol” and “Ex-boyfriend” had only one character difference, so they were about the same? How could she be so sloppy?

Ruan Yu put on some toning cream on her face, dabbed some concealer under her eyes, and covered her lips with a thin layer of red lip gloss. Just as she was almost done with her face, she glanced at her bangs.
Her bangs were too oily but there was no time to wash her hair now. The mattifying powder she usually used on occasions like this had run out two months ago.

There were only two minutes left.
She rummaged through all her drawers and in the end used some loose powder on her hair.

30 seconds before the ten minutes was up, Ruan Yu ran to the living room and turned on her computer. She typed while trying to smooth out her breath: [Mr. Xu, I’m ready.]

Xu Huaisong didn’t send a video chat invitation until after 15 seconds had passed.
Ruan Yu used one hand to adjust the camera and the other to rub her face to relax her facial muscles. She tried to show a smile, then clicked the accept key.

Xu Huaisong appeared on the screen.
He was wearing a simple but decent white shirt, all buttoned up, even the buttons on the sleeves. He was looking down, flipping through a stack of documents, and had a very professional appearance.

He didn’t look at her and seemed totally immersed in his work. Ruan Yu felt relieved.
If possible, she hoped that she wouldn’t have to look at him in his eyes.

But as if Xu Huaisong knew what she was thinking, the very next second, Xu Huaisong looked up. Ruan Yu immediately sat up straighter and greeted him: “How are you, Mr. Xu.”
She sounded like she was greeting the head of a government agency.

Xu Huaisong glanced at the screen and acted like the head of state, nodding slightly as a greeting. Then he looked back down at the documents and said: “Ms. Ruan’s manuscript is a bit long.”

Ruan Yu then realized that he had printed out the documents she had sent over last night. The printouts were in two thick stacks.

Her heart skipped a beat but she kept herself calm: “It’s alright. Take your time.”
Xu Huaisong then really took his time to read through her manuscript.

In contrast to his relaxed manner, Ruan Yu, with her arms crossed in front of her, was nervous like an elementary student. She fixed her eyes on the screen and carefully watched for any changes in his facial expression.
She was afraid that he would suddenly find certain parts of the story quite familiar.

But except for flipping pages, Xu Huaisong didn’t have any other movement. It looked like he was simply reading a story of someone else.

Ruan Yu gradually relaxed.
Then she began to notice Xu Huaisong’s surroundings.

Translated by Team DHH at