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Thursday, May 13, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 7 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 7 Part 2

“Don’t be a narcissist. An elite lawyer in America won’t have the time to check your Weibo. Besides, he doesn't even remember you. Even if he read through your novel over and over, he might not find out that you’re writing about him.” Shen Mingying analyzed the situation for her: “Besides, it’s all in the past. Just treat him as a passerby. Worst comes to worst, you’ll just be a little embarrassed. Who doesn’t have some fantasies during puberty, right?”

Ruan Yu knew her words made sense, but: “It’s just whenever I think about how he’s probably going to see that “erotic dream” in the story, I just can’t get over it……”
Shen Mingying burst into laughter: “Who told you to add those extra scenes for the sake of artistic impact!” She used her elbow to nudge Ruan Yu who had already collapsed on the couch: “Seriously though, you don’t want to file the lawsuit now just because of this?”

Ruan Yu straightened up and shook her head.
It certainly wasn’t true when she said she would give up on the lawsuit, it was just that she planned to give up on filing the lawsuit with Zhikun and instead find some other lawyers.

After she confirmed through Shen Mingying that it wouldn’t cause any trouble for Shen’s friend, she contacted another law firm in Hang City the same day.
The lawyer there also invited her to come to the office to talk.

The law firm was called “Dingzheng.” The lawyer who took up her case, Mr. Fan, was quite efficient. He had worked out a plan to proceed with the case.
The next day when Ruan Yu arrived at the law firm, she was presented with a document outlining the proposed plan.

As Ruan Yu was going through the document, the middle-aged man sitting across from her said: “Miss Ruan, you’ve mentioned that your case involves copyright and defamation issues. But in reality, the case doesn’t have much to do with the latter. Whether your novel is original or not doesn’t need to be validated in the court.”

Ruan Yu was surprised: “Then how would I turn public opinion around?”
Fan Yizhong twitched the corner of his mouth: “Assuming that all the evidence online is well preserved, as long as we can prove the outline has been stolen, then the case of copyright infringement of the accused will be established.”

“In terms of the law, it probably will be. But as you can see, the other author has already come out to clarify everything but it hasn’t worked too well in terms of changing public opinion.”
“That’s because that statement doesn’t qualify as having the force of law yet as of now.”

Ruan Yu frowned: “But, if on the basis of proving that the outline has been stolen, we can also probe into the question of the originality of the novel, wouldn’t it be more persuasive?”
“After the case of theft is established, it would be meaningless to compare the two novels. Miss Ruan, you wouldn’t be looking forward to receiving a verdict saying that ‘both novels have a high degree of resemblance’?”

Ruan Yu shook her head: “The resemblance is only in appearance. If you could compare the two novels carefully, you would discover……”
“If Miss Ruan insists on that,” Fan Yizong interrupted her: “then my plan wouldn’t meet your expectation. I would suggest you to find other more qualified lawyers. But to tell the truth, I don’t think there’s any lawyer who would accept your point of view.”

Ruan Yu was quiet for a moment then nodded: “I understand. Thank you for the suggestion.”

Hang City had become quite warm lately. When Ruan Yu left Dingzheng, the sun was scorching.
She hailed a taxi under the blazing sun. She was planning to go back to her apartment but on the way, she remembered what Fan Yizhong had said in the end and wasn’t willing to give in just yet. She changed her mind and went to another law firm instead.

After visiting two law firms, she received a call from Liu Mao on the street.

Liu Mao heard the noise in the phone and said: “Ah, you’re outside? Then let’s talk when it’s more convenient for you.”
Ruan Yu said: “Wait a minute.” She turned to an unmanned newsstand on the side of the road.

On one side of the newsstand, there were a row of transparent kiosks stuffed with newspapers and magazines for people to buy. Since it was so hot outside, there was no one there buying newspapers.

Ruan Yu stood in the shade sheltered by the eaves of the stand: “We can talk now, Mr. Liu.”
Liu Mao was straightforward: “The notarization process is almost done. How have you decided?”

Ruan Yu was silent for a moment.

She certainly hadn’t given up on filing the lawsuit, though it was quite frustrating that she had been turned down by three law firms in just half a day. Ruan Yu understood that the lawyers weren’t wrong in their decisions.
If they could strike it down with one shot, why bother with other issues? Who would want to take on an arduous but fruitless task anyway?

She had been working for a few years now and understood that sometimes being adaptable was the key to surviving in this society. When she was crossing the street earlier, Ruan Yu was actually thinking that maybe she shouldn’t insist on the issue about the originality of her work.
Then Liu Mao happened to call and made Ruan Yu want to try one last time.

Translated by Team DHH at

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the chap.

    I had a feeling that Mr. Xu was in the shadow of this certain "reject" lawyers 🤣
