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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

You're My Belated Happiness - Chapter 7 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re My Belated Happiness
Chapter 7 Part 3

Instead of answering Liu Mao’s question, Ruan Yu asked: “Mr. Liu, in your plan, how would you handle this case?”
Liu Mao was somewhat surprised and said: “The most direct way to do this is to prove that the outline has been stolen.”

Ruan Yu resigned herself to the same strategy and said: “En.”
Liu Mao keenly detected that she was low in spirits and asked: “What’s wrong? If you’ve run into any trouble, just let me know. Even if I’m not your lawyer, I can still be your friend.”

Ruan Yu hesitated: “I’m just thinking, if I want to probe into the originality of my work, would it be possible to realize it in this case?”
It was quiet on the other side of the phone for some time. Ruan Yu was quite understanding and said with a smile: “Forget about it. I know……”
“We can.” Liu Mao interrupted her.
“We can?”

Liu Mao thought about it before saying: “Right, it can be done……”
Ruan Yu sensed that the tone in his voice seemed a little awkward. She said: “If you’re just making the offer to help as a friend, you’re not obliged to do it.”
“I’m not!”

He suddenly raised his voice and Ruan Yu could hear an echo on his side. She asked: “Mr. Liu, do you have your speaker on?”
“Right, sorry, please wait a moment. I have some papers here that need my signature.”
“Go ahead.”

Ruan Yu didn’t hang up but there was no sound on the other end. She started to browse the newspapers in the see-through kiosks.

In one of the evening newspapers, there was news about an executive from SG Company in the US being prosecuted for quitting his job to go working for the company’s competitor.
It looked like even a well known computer software company couldn’t avoid getting into this kind of legal dispute.

Ruan Yu glanced at the report and saw several phrases like :”San Francisco” “in court tomorrow” and “Chinese lawyer”. As she was about to read it more closely, Liu Mao started to speak on the other end of the call. He told her that he had finished his work and asked whether she was still there.
She looked up: “Go ahead.”

Liu Mao spoke much more smoothly than before: “Though the probe you’ve mentioned isn’t the necessary evidence in this case and would rather serve as supplemental evidence, it can have a positive impact on the result of the lawsuit. As such, we’ll be able to realize your request.”
Ruan Yu was a little surprised: “Aren’t you worried that the result of comparing the two works won’t be as satisfactory?”

Liu Mao was silent again before saying: “I’m sorry. I have to sign some more papers.”

One minute later, Liu Mao spoke again: “Worry or not, frankly it’s about the success rate. As a lawyer, I can’t give you an answer to that. However, I think it’s worth it to try and prove it’s a real original work.”

Ruan Yu almost couldn’t breath. After being turned down so many times, his words were so comforting in the time of her distress.
Suddenly, the image of Liu Mao had grown so much taller in her mind.

Almost right at that moment she had decided that Zhikun and Liu Mao were the correct choice for her.

But right at the next second, Liu Mao hesitatingly said: “En…… I’ve learned all this from Mr. Xu.”

Ruan Yu quickly calmed down: “Mr. Liu, if I choose to file a lawsuit, you would be my lawyer, right?’
“Then, Mr. Xu?”
“He won’t be in court and only participate in the preparation for the case.”

Ruan Yu held her forehead and lied: “Well, I probably can’t afford the cost for two lawyers……”
“You don’t have to worry about it. Mr. Xu wants to participate in this case only out of his own personal need to learn and study. You don’t need to pay any extra fees for his part.”

Ruan Yu was still struggling: “Actually I have several friends in this profession who also encounter copyright issues. I can refer him to them.”
“En…… well.” Liu Mao sounded like he was caught in a difficult position: “Based on my experience for so many years, I haven’t seen a case as special as yours.”

Ruan Yu didn’t know how she managed to hang up the phone. When she came to herself, there was one more digital business card in her WeChat chat box-- --[Zhikun Liu Mao] recommends [Xu Huaisong].

The cell phone felt like it weighed a thousand pounds in her hand and Ruan Yu felt dizzy.

On the other side, Liu Mao also felt dizzy from being so nervous as he hung up the phone on his desk. He took a look at the computer screen, picked up his cell phone on the desk which had been on speaker mode for a while now and asked in annoyance: “Xu Huaisong, can’t you type any faster. When do I ever have that many papers to sign?”

Translated by Team DHH at

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